Page 37 of The Awakening

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“Come on. It’ll be like old times.”

David comes into the kitchen. “Jess, would you mind if Tristan and I went hunting?” I scrunch up my nose. “I know it isn’t something you like, which is why I try not to do it. But it would be fun to hang with Tristan for awhile.”

I nod and he kisses me and hollers over his shoulder as he leaves, “I’ll be back by four and will provide you with a proper thank you.”

I grab the latest romance novel I’ve been reading and curl up on the couch. Three chapters in I doze off. Not sure how long I nap for but I wake when I hear them come in. I lie there and wait for David to find me.

Next thing I know I’m up in the air, over his shoulder, being whisked away while Tristan heckles him in the background, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

David looks radiant. He has color in his cheeks and a glow I’ve never seen to him. The glimmer in his eyes spell trouble for me, but in an oh so good way. Energized, like a tiger on the prowl, and I’m his prey. I enjoy every moment of his torturous foreplay, prancing about while I play the helpless damsel in distress.

This is like an out-of-body experience. Our love making has always been off the charts, but this is beyond anything I could comprehend. This animalistic side the hunt brought out in him is crazy. Sex with David drains my energy and I’m out like a light each time.

Ravenous hunger is how I always wake afterward, but when I slide a hand over David’s side, the sheets were cold. I run downstairs and find him playing chef, preparing breakfast for me.

“Someone has a lot of energy this morning,” I slide my arms around his waist.

He throws his head back and laughs heartily. “Thought you might be hungry this morning.” He spins around, cups my face in his hands and kisses me. Breathless. That’s how his lips always leave me.

Right as I sit down, Tristan walks in with a smirk on his face. “Someone had a great time last night.”

I keep my head down and shovel my food in though Tristan’s stare bores into me as he takes the seat across from me. Every time I look up, he turn away. I keep a watchful gaze on him out of the corner of my eye, noting the numerous times he peers over at me. I want to yell, “What the hell are you staring at?” but not wanting to spoil David’s good mood keeps me from doing so.

Tristan leaves the house less and less as time wears on. He isn’t hunting, instead he depletes the blood supply David keeps. What is more unnerving is every time I turn around, he is right there trying to help me with whatever I’m doing and even offers to cook for me. David is completely unphased by this, but I’m not—not by a long shot. Something as up and I’m bound and determined to find out what it is. My dislike for him grows and all this negativity causes migraines and forces me into near bed-ridden seclusion.

Chapter Thirteen


Today is David’s nineteenth birthday. I wake before him to initiate my surprise attack. Snuggling in behind him, I whisper, “Happy birthday, David. I love you.”

After he opens his gifts, we goes downstairs to study. What a domestic scene we’ve become. A few nights later, David says he has some errands to run. I figure since he didn’t invite me, he’s meeting up with his food supplier. While I’m making something to eat, a breath of air ghosts along my spine. I spin around, assuming it’s David and that he’d forgotten something, but Tristan is there. He scares the shit out of me and I squeal.

That amuses him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says, looking like a creepy stalker.

“I didn’t think you were home.”

Tristan steps back and says, “I was in my room,” then proceeds to take a seat at the table. I turn my back to him, and try to ignore his presence, but feel his eyes on me the entire time.

Finally, I lose it. “What are you staring at?”

Unmoved by my outburst, he leans forward and rests his head on his hands. “I’m hypnotized by your beauty.”

“What’s wrong with you? You don’t say shit like that to your friend’s girlfriend.” He has some nerve.

He comes toward me. “Do you need any assistance?”

Is he seriously flirting with me? In our house? That doesn’t make him much of a friend, let alone a best friend.

“No thanks,” is the nicest response I have before I grab my food and go back upstairs. Studying for finals in the sanctity of our room seems the best course of action. Though by the time I get there my head throbs so bad I nearly pass out.

My ability to concentrate falters knowing Tristan is nearby. Why is he doing this? Does he seriously think he’ll get anywhere with me? Should I tell David? The questions keep coming and I have no answers. David probably wouldn’t believe me if I told him, or he would blow it off and tell me that’s how Tristan is and he doesn’t mean anything by it. This would only end in an argument with David, which is the last thing I want.

Things with Tristan continue down this path for a few weeks and I fear he will never leave. Tristan’s advances increase, and my nerves are on edge. The stress increases the frequency and strength of the migraines. I’ve become quite the recluse, living like a hermit exiled to our darkened room, which doesn’t slip by David.

“Why are you spending so much time locked away in our room?” he asks one night.

“I’m studying for finals.” Speaking, moving, nearly everything I do leaves me writhing in pain. But that answer must be good enough because he says no more.
