Page 36 of The Awakening

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We’re locking up, getting ready for bed when the dogs start growling. “Tristan’s home,” David says, though I’ve already figured that out for myself.

Tristan walks into the living room, looking like he’s just come off the runway and flashes me a cocky grin. David is oblivious to the whole scene, thankfully.

“So, how was your night?” David asks.

“It was pretty decent. Have you heard of a place called The Hollow?” Tristan asks.

David cringes, uncomfortable with his question. “Yes.” Evidently this isn’t a place David cares for.

“I’ve reached my limit, so I’m going to call it a night. Goodnight, love birds,” Tristan says and winks at me over his shoulder as he walks off. I glance over at David to see if he saw that, but he’s facing the TV.

As soon as I hear his bedroom door shut, I launch my inquiry. “What’s The Hollow?”

“A vampire club in downtown Phoenix. It’s in one of the new loft complexes,” he replies, though I didn’t miss the contempt in his voice.

“Wow, are there really that many vampires out there? So many that they need a gathering place?” It’s like I’ve lived under a rock all these years. What other supernatural creature walks among us?

“Jess, vampires are everywhere. You’ve probably seen more than you know.” He kisses my forehead. “Ready for bed?”

“Sure.” I guess Q&A time is over.

The next few days are drama free. We rarely see Tristan, which is fine by me. David is bummed they aren’t hanging out more. When Friday night rolls around, David decides it’s a good time to go to the mall. With his birthday near, a shopping trip will be a great way to get some ideas.

We hit a couple of stores and then stop at the food court so I can eat. People watching at the mall is quite the experience. If I were a writer, I’d have nonstop inspiration here. My eyes land on a familiar figure. Taking a second look, I realize it’s Tristan, surrounded by a gaggle of gawking females. I tap David’s shoulder and nod toward him. “Is that Tristan?”

He turns. “Yes, and in his element I see. Tristan has a way with the ladies. It’s his gift.”

This is the one time I’m glad I don’t have any girlfriends for him to meet.

Tristan glances up from his entourage and catches our gazes. His facial expression is one of great amusement as he excuses himself and makes his way to our table.

“What brings you two to the mall this fine evening?” he asks, all smiles.

“We could ask the same of you,” David says and Tristan laughs. “I see you’ve found your way around town without any problems.”

“I have built in GPS, my friend,” Tristan taps his head. “Ah, Victoria’s Secret,” he points to the bag beside me. “Someone treats their body well.” The callous son-of-a-bitch winks at me, again, right in front of David.

I thought David busted him this time for sure, but he shrugs it off. “We needed a few things. Do you have plans tonight?” David asks him.

Tristan sighs as though we bore him. “I’m thinking of heading to The Hollow. You two want to tag along or is it past your bedtime?”

David’s mood darkens. “We will not be going to The Hollow. Not now. Not ever. That isn’t a place for Jess.”

Well hey, what if Jess wants to go? Not that I want to, but I don’t appreciate someone else answering for me. I glare at David in my what the fuck way.

“I just don’t think Jess would be comfortable there and I don’t want to take her anywhere she won’t like, or anywhere that could be detrimental to her health.” He flashes me an apologetic look though the glare he gives Tristan is cringe-worthy.

“Okay, old folks, I’m out of here.” And just like that, Tristan disappears.

“I’m sorry, Jess,” David apologizes. “It’s a sleazy place and a lot of shit goes down there that you shouldn’t be exposed to. If you were a vampire, it would be different.” I let it go. He knows how I feel about anyone assuming what’s best for me. No use in beating that dead horse or starting an argument after he’s already said sorry.

David runs the packages upstairs while I take the dogs outside. A few minutes later, Tristan walks in.

“I thought instead of going out, we could hunt?” I hear him ask David, though I don’t hear David’s response, but he must have said no. “Come on, man, you can’t live off of bottled human forever.”

“Actually, I can,” David says very matter-of-factly.
