Page 39 of The Awakening

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Later that same night, I’m cleaning the kitchen when a pair of hands grip my waist and twirls me around. Just as I lift my arms to wrap them around his neck I realize it isn’t David. I try to break free, and beat my fists against his chest which is useless. Not only due to his strength, but the searing pain in my head is crippling. The more I fight the worse it gets. Abruptly a door upstairs shuts and Tristan shoots over to the table and takes a seat, appearing innocent.

I slide to the floor doubled over in pain, tears streaming down my face. David runs over and drops to the floor beside me. “What’s wrong?”

The nerves take over and I scream, holding my head. “My fucking head is killing me!”

He takes the medicine bottle from the cabinet, hands me two pills and a glass of water. “Jess, these headaches are really concerning me. I think we need to take you to the doctor.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, then go upstairs to lie down, though I’m too wound up to sleep. My head pounds as I pace the room wondering how to make this stop. With every pace, the pain worsens. The more I’m around Tristan the worse it is.

Deep breath, Jess, that’s it. In and out. Free your mind of all thoughts.

I practice that mantra until I calm and then try to nap only to be awoken by the angry sound of nearby voices.

David is in our bedroom screaming at Tristan. From what I gather, David came in to find Tristan hovering over me. David stands at the foot of our bed and Tristan is next to me. I leap to the other side of the bed to get away from him.

David shouts, “What in the hell are you doing our room?!”

Tristan stands there looking guilty as fuck and says nothing. David growls as his features distort. Fangs bared, his eyes turn black as night. This is the first time I’ve seen him transform and it scares me to death. In an instant, he hurls Tristan across the room, through the wall and into the hallway. I never see David move, but there he is in the hallway with his foot pressing on Tristan’s throat.

“I asked you a question. What in thefuckare you doing in our room and if you value your life, you won’t fucking lie to me,” David growls. The look on Tristan’s face is grave. He never had a chance. David is clearly the stronger, faster of the two. Tristan tries to get up, but to no avail. Finally, he breaks down.

“She made me do it.”

“Who is she?” David demands, refusing to release Tristan.

“Your mother.”

“What?” David freezes.

“She sent me to break you two up. She threatened to remove my parents from the council and said she would personally kill me if I didn’t succeed,” Tristan admits. By the defeated look on his face, I believe him.

David gathers himself and releases Tristan. “You’ll leave this house and never return.”

Tristan begs, “Please, I can help you. If I fail she’ll send rogues to killher.” Tristan points at me.

“Release your hold on her now,” David demands.

“The allure I used was bound with a spell. It will take time before she’s free from it. This has been the cause of her headaches.” Tristan’s shoulders drop as his head falls.

Spell did he say? Were witches involved in this as well?

Again, Tristan pleads, “Please, David, let me stay. I swear, I can help you fight the rogues. I promise, no more tricks, but I can’t risk your mother finding out I’ve failed. She’ll kill me.”

“Was my father aware of this?” David asks.

“Honestly, I don’t know. She made me swear not to tell a soul. Your mother has changed, she’s become reckless and the other council members fear her. The only ones she sees eye to eye with are Amelia’s family,” Tristan explains.

“Who’s Amelia?” I ask.

They seemed to have forgotten I was in the room as they both pivot in my direction. David casts Tristan a look of contempt and growls, Tristan cowers.

“Amelia was the vampiress my parents betrothed me to. It was an arranged marriage from birth and when I refused, it angered my mother, more so than I thought. Since then, she’s become bitter and enraged. It appears she’s taking her anger out on the council members. My mother’s family has held the controlling seat on there for centuries,” David explains.

“She’s grown strong and her sadistic hunting methods have threatened our community. She hunts with no regard for souls nor lives, no one is spared, not even children. No vampires have come forth with any evidence to substantiate these claims so she has remained untouchable, but feared by all. One particular hunt she was said to have orchestrated was in Virtron, Belgium. Her clan wiped out the entire village—children included. Their deaths were brutal mutilations. Many had their throats severed with deep gashes caused by fangs. The villagers had no warning. This attack was devised by a vampire with no fear of retribution or regard for human life. Others were involved, but somehow no one saw anything.”

The look on David’s face is indescribable. If he were capable of being any paler he would’ve just achieved it as he is ghostly white.

“If she masterminded this, then my mother as I know her is truly gone.” David pauses. “I was thinking of contacting my father, but maybe I better not. I don’t believe there’s any way he could be oblivious to this. Even though I hate the thought that he may be involved, the possibility is still there so it’s best to keep this between us until I can gather more intel.”
