Page 40 of The Awakening

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How will David ever be able to trust Tristan again? How could he do this to David? To us? He’s supposed to be his best friend. What’s more, how could Lourdes do this to her own son?

“David, I’m sorry and I’ll spend eternity ensuring this wrong is righted. But you have to understand the position she put me in. I honestly want to help you, both of you, and in time I hope to earn your trust back. Part of this mission is to provide her with updates, the next is due by sunrise.”

David ignores his request. “Which council members do you feel can be trusted?”

“Obviously no one in Amelia’s family, they’re still pissed you refused to marry her. The Cordova and Vasquez families are out, at least until we see where their allegiances lie. My parents may be able to help. They know what your mother forced me to do and aren’t pleased with any of this. I told them so they’d be aware that she’s gone rogue and cannot be trusted. Other than that, I think we’re on our own.” Tristan’s words do nothing to assuage the situation. This is dire no matter how you look at it.

Tristan assesses the damages their fight caused. “Tomorrow evening I’ll go to the home improvement store and get what’s needed to make the necessary repairs. I’ll do the work myself since this was my fault.”

David mutters a half-assed thanks. “Please leave so Jess and I can talk.” Tristan nods and disappears.

“Jess, I’m sorry for all of this. But you should have told me what was going on. I knew you weren’t thrilled about Tristan staying here and now, I understand why. Unfortunately, he’s our only hope for getting this resolved. My mother needs to believe that you fell for his charms or she won’t back off, at least not until you’re dead. And that’s not an option I’m willing to accept.”

I clench my fists and stand, albiet shakily. “I’m not in favor of this and I refuse to play along. David, this is fucking insane.”

“Jess, if we can’t pull this off then she’ll send rogue vampires to finish it, to finish you.” His words stop me cold. I knew something was up with that woman. Though theroguepart of this still isn’t registering with me.

“What is a rogue, exactly?”

“They’re soulless and will rip you to shreds without a second thought.” Well, if I didn’t understand it before, I sure as hell understand it now.

Tristan knocks, though I’m not sure why given the fact he can see inside.

“Come in,” David says without looking away from me.

Somberly, Tristan glances from David to me. “Jess, I apologize for the pain I’ve caused you. I see the love you two share and it runs deep, a love like that is hard to find and no one has the right to take it from you. Fate decides who we should be with and no one has the right to stand in its way. I should be so lucky to find a love like this in my lifetime. David’s mother sent me here to break you apart and if she doesn’t believe I’ve succeeded she’ll order your death and will include a large bounty for your head to be delivered to her.”

“We have to try and pull this off. It causes me great pain to do so as I lose either way, but we’ve been left with no choice.” The anguish caused by his mother’s betrayal is written across his face. Seeing David in pain guts me.

I nodded. “So, what do we do now?”

“Tristan will contact my mother and tell her we got into an argument and you ran to him seeking comfort. In the interim, I’ll get a hold of Tristan’s parents and make arrangements to meet. It’s difficult to lie to a vampire when you’re face to face, at least for those of us with souls. I got an uneasy feeling from my mother when she was here which leads me to believe what Tristan said is true. As a friend, he should have confided in me,” he glares at Tristan, “and for that callous act, he will not be forgiven. But if she’s lost her soul then the mother I knew no longer exists.”

“Where are Tristan’s parents?” I ask.

“They are in Varna, Bulgaria at the castle where the elder council resides,” Tristan replies.

“Wait—you’re going to Bulgaria and leaving me with this back-stabbing piece of shit?” I yell.

“Jess, I’ll not cross you or David again. I give you both my word. I’ll protect you with my life and do whatever it takes to ensure you’re kept safe,” Tristan promises.

“Your word means nothing to me. You’re a spineless, back-stabbing weasel and I’ll never trust you.” My fists clench at my sides. I’m angry enough to hit him, and I’m not a violent person.

Tristan nods and slinks from the room, closing the door behind him which serves no purpose.

Chapter Fourteen


David flies out to Bulgaria tonight. The plan he and Tristan devised has David arriving unannounced at the council headquarters in Varna, visibly upset, where he will proceed to tell his mother I left him for Tristan. While he’s there, he’ll poke around and see what he can dig up on Lourdes and her family’s history. He’s determined to find out how much the council members and his father knows as well. I’m not in favor of this, but it’s obvious my opinion doesn’t matter. Tristan and I will stay behind where David feels I will be safest.

Tristan offers to take David to the airport, but I insist on doing it. I know it could be some time before I see him again which depresses the hell out of me. His flight arrives in Shumen, Bulgaria at midnight where he’s rented a car and will then drive to Varna.

David and I walk silently from the car to the security checkpoint. An onrush of tears hit me as we near the point of goodbye. No matter how I try, I can’t shake the fact I may never see him again though he swears otherwise. At this point, anything could go wrong once he gets there.

“Amor,” David whispers as he cups my face in his hands. “I don’t like being apart any more than you do, but I have to find out what’s going on. I’ll contact you every chance I get, but if Tristan steps out of line, I promise you that will not bode well for him. He knows where I stand with you and there will be no redemption for him if anything happens to you. I trust he’ll not make the same mistake twice as he’s given his word. When I return, you and I will talk about our future. We’ve been together for over a year now and you know I love you more than life itself. It’s my wish that upon my return we marry, but you know what would be required.”

Through my tears I can manage only a nod as words escape me. Not the proposal I expected, but still a proposal nonetheless. He’s put his life on the line to ensure mine doesn’t end and that’s not something I’ll soon forget. Knowing he’ll always be there makes all the difference in the world, and unless I agree to be changed, I can’t make the same sacrifice for him. No matter how I look at this, I will lose some part of me.
