Page 44 of The Awakening

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She grabs my arm. “No, where did you go?”

I carefully weigh my response before I speak. “She wasn’t with the rest of the group so I went back to look for her.”

“Did you find her?”

I know Amelia isn’t to be trusted. “No,” I reply and then step inside.

I desperately need to find my father, but sunrise is drawing near, so it will have to wait. I’ll tackle that demon tomorrow. After I shower, I shoot Jess a text to let her know I’m okay and that I love her. No need to alarm her any further with the details of tonight’s events. It’s bad enough I witnessed what I did.

Upon waking, I recall the previous night’s events and know I have no other option than to confront my father and locate Tristan’s parents. Filling them in on the crisis that unfolded last night is going to be difficult, but I fear for our safety with her on the loose. Nearing my father’s study, the door is ajar and I hear my father’s voice, but he isn’t alone. An argument is underway, though I don’t recognize the other voice. I creep closer, hoping to get a visual of the other party.

“We have to put an end to this madness, Aurelio. We cannot continue to cover her tracks for her and jeopardize all that the council stands for.”

Father says nothing.

The man continues. “Did she return to the castle last night?”

“No,” my father replies.

The door blocks my view, but I now know my mother didn’t return.

“Aurelio, we must call the council to order immediately. Her actions have proven detrimental to us as well as to the humans,” the man argues his point to which I agree.

My father sounds so sad and defeat when he speaks. “What am I to do, Richard? You’re talking about the woman I love. The woman whom I’ve vowed to spend eternity with. Do you understand the position this has put me in? I could be condemned to death alongside her for her actions, none of which I have had any involvement in.”

Richard, that’s Tristan’s father. They’re talking about my mother and are aware of something she’s done, but what?

“Aurelio, do you think she had anything to do with the massacre in Belgium?” Richard asks.

Silently father sits for a few moments, contemplating this question. “I don’t know.”

Richard’s anger rises as he bangs a fist on the desktop. “You need to call an emergency council meeting now. Her bloodline’s history speaks for itself and it’s time the Vasquez family permanently relinquish their council seat.”

Richard storms toward the door. I dart around the corner and take shelter behind a tapestry on the wall. Ironically, it’s the very one that bears the Vasquez family crest.

I stay there for a few more moments, contemplating whether or not this is the right time to speak with my father. Having barely known my mother’s side of the family, I now understand why. If she’s found guilty of these horrific misdoings, she will be put to death. They’ll assume my father had insight into it, and it’s likely he would be tried for her crimes as well. Although I don’t agree with what she’s done or what she’s become, I don’t wish her dead.Damn, I really need to hear Jess’s sweet voice right now.With that in mind, I decide to forgo meeting with my father and instead go to my room to call Jess.

I’m not in my room for long before a knock at the door comes. I open it, hoping to find my father there, but am gravely disappointed when it’s Amelia.

“Are you hunting tonight?” she asks.


I try to shut the door, but she puts her hand up to stop it. “Can I come in so we can talk?”

“I’m not in the mood to talk.”

Playing coy, she flirts, “Oh, if you’re in the mood for something else, I would happily oblige.” She licks her lips.

“Amelia, as appealing as you think your offer is, I must inform you I find it and your slutty behavior abhorrent. I have zero interest in you whatsoever.”

She hisses, “You’ll regret that,” and then disappears down the corridor. Pissing her off is probably not the wisest thing for me to do, but I have no patience for her bullshit.

I press the button to call Jess, and she answers on the first ring. “Jess, I needed to hear your sweet voice.”

“David, are you okay?”

“This isn’t good.” There is no use in holding back, she and Tristan need to be on alert.

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