Page 46 of The Awakening

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He whispers, “Come in, son.”

I walk over to his desk and turn the lamp on. Blood-stained tears stain his cheeks, I pull the handkerchief from my pocket and hand it to him.

“David, I’m sorry you had to bear witness to your mother’s evil doings. I know she’s your mother, but what she’s done was wrong and it jeopardized all the council has worked diligently to maintain for centuries.”

“Dad, were you aware of any of this?” I have to ask.

“I’d heard rumors, but never personally saw any of it. She’s the love of my life, David, and I hoped it wasn’t true. I was foolish, blinded by my love for her and I wouldn’t be surprised if the council called for my dismissal as well. You should go home, son, once your mother catches wind of the council’s vote she’ll delve deeper into hiding and I fear she and her rogues will hunt you, Jessica, and Tristan. Jessica’s no match for them, but being Lourdes’ son, you may be the only key to bringing back the woman we love. That is, providing any of her soul remains.”

“I’ll leave tomorrow night, but I need to speak with Tristan’s parents first to let them know I’m going to ask him to stay with us until Mother’s apprehended.”

“Agreed. I’ll draft a covenant approving your marriage to Jessica. This will also allow you to turn her prior to her twenty-first birthday with no repercussions. Given our present situation, she’d be safer as a vampire than a human.” He reaches into the desk drawer and removes a red velvet box, then hands it to me.

I open the box and inside is a large, round diamond in a white gold antique setting. Glancing from the box to my father, he explains, “This was the ring last worn by my mother, your grandmother, who as you know was killed by a rogue almost a century ago. This ring has been in my family for as long as I can remember. It would mean a great deal to me that this be the ring Jessica wears, signifying your love and binding her to our family.”

Blown away by his act of kindness and love doesn’t cover the range of emotions I feel. Father stands and we hug.

“Thank you for your help, son,” he says and then resumes his position facing the window.

I take that as my cue to leave, but the happy moment we’ve just shared is short lived as I run into Amelia on the way back to my room.

“David, it was not wise for you to come here. Look at the trouble you’ve caused. Marry me and I’ll save you from the disgrace you and your family have brought upon the coven.”

“Save me? I’ve done nothing wrong, seems to me that you’re the one whose soul will need saving.”

Amelia moves closer and winds her arms around my neck. “We belong together, there’s no denying it.”

Forcefully, I remove her arms and hold them tightly to make certain what I am about to say is crystal fucking clear. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but we don’t belong together—not now, not ever.” I release her with such force she stumbles back.

She hisses and her eyes glow red. “Your human will be no match for the rogues. She will die a very slow, painful death.”

The anger I feel inside emerges, fangs bared as I descend and pin her to the wall with my hand around her throat. “I’ll destroy any vampire that dares come near her and that includes you, as well as my mother.” I drop her and she disappears, her growl echoing through the hall.

With the utmost urgency I have to tell Tristan and Jess what has transpired. Jess isn’t safe. Tristan answers on the first ring, and I proceed to fill him in on the council votes and share the reactions of Amelia and her family. “I’ll leave tomorrow night for home. Make sure you don’t let Jess out of your sight.”

“I won’t.”

“Will you extend your stay?” I ask.

“Theres not a chance in hell I’m leaving.”

We hang up and I immediately call Jess. “Father has things under control and is sending me home.”

“Text me with your flight information as soon as you have it and I’ll pick you up.” Her excitement draws me like a moth to a flame. Though I know things are dire, as long as I’m with her everything will be all right.

“I love you, Jess. I can’t wait to see you.”

“I love you, too,” she says before the call ends.

I wake the next afternoon a bit earlier than usual as I still need to speak with Tristan’s parents. As I walk by my father’s study, I hear Richard’s voice again. The door is ajar but I knock so they kniw I’m there and then step inside.

“Hello, Richard,” I greet him.

“David, good to see you. How’s Tristan?”

“Tristan is fine. He’s going to stay with us a bit longer, at least until things calm down or my mother is shackled in the dungeon.” The image no longer bothers me as it once had. Knowing Jess’s life is in danger changed the game for me.

“Rogue vampires are not to be trusted, they have no regard for life—human or Vampire,” Richard reiterates what I already know.
