Page 47 of The Awakening

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“Last night, Amelia demanded I marry her. When I refused, she threatened to kill Jess, and send rogues after us. Her eyes turned blood red.” Their reactions are as I suspected, they had no knowledge of the Brandts having turned rogue.

My father and Richard exchange a knowing glance before Father speaks. “Thank you, son. We’ll notify the other council members. Please be mindful of what you say to her.”

Father stands and places his hands on my shoulders. “My son, I must again apologize for the pain your mother’s actions have caused. I was so blinded that I was unable to see her for what she truly was. It’s not fair that she involved you in this, but please know that word has been sent out to the vampire community emphasizing the large bounty we’ve offered for her return. Once she’s back she’ll stand trial for her actions.”

The pain in his eyes nearly does me in, though he continues. “I have the documents we spoke of yesterday and filed them with the council so all are aware of our agreement.”

“Thank you, Father. I’m sorry for your pain. I wish I could do more to help.” We hug and then I bid them farewell.

After I check in at the airport kiosk, I call Jess and Tristan to let them know. They assure me everything is fine and are both excited to have me home.


Funny how quickly life changes. I once considered this castle home. Now the only place that could ever be is wherever Jess is.

I take my seat on the plane and take one last glance out the window. Bulgaria is such a beautiful country, maybe one day I could bring Jess here. As I go to pull the shade down, a lone figure steps into view from the trees lining the runway.Mother.She makes eye contact for a split second, then swiftly retreats into the darkness. Quickly, I text Tristan and my father to let them know.

Chapter Sixteen


In Arizona.

The drive to the airport is painstakingly long. Tristan and I arrive and take a seat at the cafe outside the security checkpoint to wait. Having made the decision to spend the rest of my life with David, even though I don’t fully comprehend the ins and outs of the wholechangeclause, I still feel at ease with it.

David is my forever, and I his.

As soon as I see David, this ridiculous smile plasters across my face and his is a mirror image of how I envision mine. We literally run into each other’s arms and stand there hugging and kissing as travelers pass us by. Not a care in the world for who is around or what they think. Tristan clears his throat, so we peel our lips apart and take the escalator down to the luggage carousel, not letting go of each other the entire time. I stand there thinkingI’m never letting him go.

Tristan grabs David’s bags and the three of us walk out to the parking garage. David and I slide into the back seat and let Tristan play chauffeur so we can cuddle.

“Tristan, thank you for keeping Jess safe,” David says.

“No thanks are needed, my friend.”

Once we get home, Tristan decides to go hunting so David and I can have some alone time. As soon as Dash and Vi see him their little nubs go crazy.

“David, I’ve done a lot of thinking while you were away.”

He raises his brows. “Oh?”


“What were your thoughts of,Amor?”

“I’ve decided I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

His playful mood turns serious. “Do you fully understand what that means?”

“No. I figured when the time was right you would explain it to me.” Though I hope not in too much detail.

“To change would mean you’d have to die.” His words leave no room for misunderstanding. This is finite and I need to grasp that.


He never mentioned anything about dying. Internal panic mode initiates and anxiety takes over.

“Jess,deep breath. There’s nothing to fear, I’ll be with you the entire time. I need to make sure you understand the process because it will be very painful. I’m not gonna lie.”
