Page 48 of The Awakening

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“Could you lie a little? Like make it a soft and fluffy type of lie?” Jokes are my go to in uncomfortable situations.

“No. I said I’d never lie to you, especially not about something as important as this,” he says.

“Well then, I need you to elaborate on the pain part.” Me and pain, we don’t get along.

“Yes, of course. First you’d need to be bitten by a vampire and drained of your blood until just before your heart stops,” he begins, though I feel that is enough said.

I gasp.

“Second, you’d need to drink blood from a vampire. Then you’d die with vampire blood in your veins and be reborn as one. The process takes several excruciatingly painful hours,” he says like it’s a normal, everyday event. He stares at me and waits for my reply.

Chilled to the bone, the whole thing is horrifying and I start to second guess my decision. It scares the shit out of me. But I remember what it felt like to be without David and that seems far worse than this. This pain would be temporary, the loss of David would be permanent.

“David, if that’s what it takes for us to be together, then I see no other option. I know I cannot and will not live without you. Promise me you’ll be the one to change me and your blood will be that which brings me my new life?”

“Amor, I would have it no other way.”

He gets up and races downstairs, returning with a red velvet box.

He kneels beside me and opens it. “Jess, this ring has been in my family for centuries. It’s been worn by all the Cordova matriarchs except for my mother.” David pauses as he realizes the irony in that statement. “Jessica, my love, you hold the key to my heart and with that all my love. Will you marry me?”

I sit up, tears streaming down my face. “Yes. Yes, David, I’ll marry you.”

He slips the ring on my finger and I bound into his arms and kiss him without regard for the need to breathe. With morning approaching and both of us exhausted, we head upstairs to bed.

A couple hours later I wake and it’s still daylight outside. It pleases me to see my dark prince sleeping in our bed where he belongs. Craving a PB&J, I rush downstairs and inhale it in record breaking time. Still filled with restlessness, I slip into David’s arms, hoping for the calm they provide to come though the images from his description of whatthe changewould consist of haunts me. Am I strong enough to make it through the pain?

At some point, I finally doze off and awaken the next night by a pair of sweet lips peppering my face in kisses. What a great start to any morning. “Good morning,Amor,” my handsome fiancé says.


A smile crosses my face, I keep my eyes closed and enjoy this half awake-half dreaming state I’m in.

“Well, well, well, I bet you two are famished,” Tristan says, far too happy for my uncaffeinated ass.

“Jealous?” David smirks.

“Maybe…” Tristan’s voice trails off and I wonder if the playboy is ready to settle down.

“Hey, babe, we need to get our books and supplies soon. Classes start in two weeks,” I remind him.

David’s lips trail along my neck, clearly his mind isn’t on school.

“Um, is there something you guys want to tell me?” Tristan asks.

David removes his face from my neck and picks up my left hand, spinning the ring around my finger. “Tristan, Jess has agreed to be my wife.”

“Congrats, you two!” Tristan smiles. “Now let’s get Lourdes locked away so this wedding can actually happen.”

“Way to spoil a happy moment using her name, Tristan,” David groans.

Things have fallen back into place as they were before David went to Bulgaria. Having our lives back to our version of normal is like a breath of fresh air.

How does that old saying go? Something along the lines ofdon’t get too comfortable, that’s when things go to shit?

The Friday before school starts, I’m outside with the dogs. Their hackles shoot up and they race along the fence, madly barking. I pop up off the lounge chair to peer around the yard and see what they are after, fully expecting to see them chasing a rabbit or a lizard. At first, I don’t see anything and then out of nowhere, a pair of red eyes appear from less than three feet away, staring right at me. Before I can blink, a rogue has my hair in his grasp, and yanks my head back. I’m at his mercy, unable to move let alone produce a scream.

Fangs bared, he moves in for the kill when suddenly I’m yanked back as David and Tristan pull me from his grasp. They throw his body across the back porch. I never even heard them come outside.
