Page 50 of The Awakening

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“The only thing that comes to mind is a bladed weapon that’s been doused with holy water,” David says. Well, that dismisses theholy water burns vampiresstatementas being amyth.

David defies all rules of the road in order to get Tristan home quickly because not only is the sun rising, but Tristan is in need of blood if he is to make it through the night. He carries Tristan up to his room while I grab a couple bags from the fridge and run them upstairs. We clean his wounds with a warm wash cloth. As soon as that is done, David bites into his own wrist and drips his blood into Tristan’s mouth. His lips are cracked and gray, I’m mesmerized as I watch the crimson droplets slide between them. When he doesn’t immediately respond, I know that isn’t a good sign. David kind of freaks out and forcibly presses his wrist to Tristan’s lips. “Damnit, Tristan, drink,” David pleads, though no response comes.

He keeps his attention on Tristan but takes the time to explain the situation to me. “He needs fresh, warm blood. Your blood would be best, but mine will have to do. This will help with the healing process and hopefully bring him back to us.”

About twenty minutes later, Tristan finally opens his weary eyes. “Where am I?”

“You’re safe, my friend,” David says to him, nearly in tears.

“Ah,” is all Tristan manages before his eyes roll back and he’s out again.

“Tristan should be fine in a couple days’ time. Tomorrow will be the real test. If he makes it through the day and is stable, I’ll see if he remembers anything. There’s much to consider and this has been stressful to say the least. Let’s get some sleep and when we wake I’ll call my father and put a plan of action together.” David pats Tristan’s leg and we leave him to rest. Funny how a man I once loathed has not only redeemed himself but become an important part of our lives.

As soon as David wakes the next night, he sprints across the hall to check on Tristan, only Tristan isn’t there. He disappears downstairs and I follow. We find him sitting at the kitchen table. His wounds are still visible, though the bites show signs of healing and he’s drinking a glass of blood, which is a positive. How those words fit into my everyday life and vocabulary amaze me.

David takes a seat beside him. “You scared the shit out of me. What the hell happened?”

Tristan sits there, swirling his wine glass while he stares blankly at the dark liquid. It takes a few minutes before he looks David in the eyes and speaks the words I know David fears most. “She was there. She knows the truth.”

David stares at him, afraid to ask the question he already knows the answer to. “She who?”

Tristan swallows hard. “Lourdes.”

David blanches. “Didshedo this to you?”

“No, she stood by, cackling and cheering them on. She repeatedly told me how disappointed she was in me while her five rogues beat me into a bloody mess. She told them not to kill me because she wanted you to find me. She knew you’d come. They had weapons, which I didn’t fear until I felt my flesh burn. When I saw the wounds weren’t healing, I panicked. It was a set up.

“I was sitting at the bar inside The Hollow when they grabbed me from behind and drug me into the alley. Once we were there, she made her appearance. She didn’t dare go inside, it was a packed house and everyone knows about the bounty. She barked orders,Akashi, dampen your weapons, drain him until death’s near.Fucking Akashi.Why he sold his soul to the devil when he was already a force to be reckoned with is beyond me. His katana blades spun around like a tornadic thunder. The burn I felt every time they made contact with my skin was crippling. There was nothing I could do. I was helpless against them, unable to fight back. Her evil laughter in the background echoed through the alleyway.”

David bound upstairs and returned with the phone to his ear. “Dad, she’s here.”

Paralyzed with fear, I nearly faint as Tristan recounts his story.

“We’ll wait for your arrival. I’ll make sure Jess doesn’t leave the house or our sight. Safe travels, Father,” David says before he hangs up. “Jess, we won’t return to school this week.”

“Why?” I ask, as though that’s the most important thing in our lives right now. But clarity of mind isn’t present.

“The Elder Council is on their way to apprehend her and her coven.” David sighs, “She wants you dead and has offered a large bounty to any rogue who brings her your head. The only way for the council to catch them is to use us as bait to lure them in.”

I’m a lamb being led to the slaughter.

I hate being trapped, but the alternative is worse. I email our professors and tell them that due to a family emergency we won’t be able to return to school this week. They understand and email us the current week’s lesson plans.

On day two of what I lovingly call our entrapment, the dogs skyrocket into protector mode. David yells, “Get the dogs and go to our room. Lock the door and stay there until I come and get you.”

I learn quickly to not ask questions and do as he says, moving as fast as my shaky legs can go. When I reach the top landing, the front door bursts open, sending shards of wood throughout the foyer and all hell breaks loose. I run into our room and lock the door then collapse behind it.

Chapter Eighteen


Mother and her rogue cover charge in. Akashi enters last and blocks the doorway, wielding his blades so no one can enter. The sound as the wind whips through them and the crunch of wood beneath our shoes is an eerie mixture. Mother turns and faces off with me while two others apprehend Tristan and secure his still injured arms tightly behind him. Tristan in his current state isn’t strong enough to fight them off.

Mother signals for them to stand down. “David, my son,” she says, red eyes burning like hellfire. “Of all the people to turn on me, I was surprised to find my son, my own flesh and blood, to be among them.”

I stare her down, never breaking eye contact. “Mother, I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She seizes me by the throat, a move I should’ve predicted. “Oh, son, I think you do. A rather large bounty has been placed on my head and our entire community knows of it.”
