Page 51 of The Awakening

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I thwart her hold in a surprise move, breaking her stance and regaining control. The stunned gaze on her face, though she immediately schools it, is enough for me to know she gravely underestimated my abilities. “Mother,” I grab both her hands, “and I use that term loosely. After witnessing your barbaric hunting methods, I was informed by other council members of other vulgar attacks you’ve been said to have masterminded.” Forcibly I shove her and she stumbles.

Just as quickly she composes herself and shifts her attention to Tristan who is still restrained by her guards, awaiting her next command. “I see you survived, but I’m not sure I should have let you. You’ve been quite the disappointment, Tristan. You chose the wrong side.” She licks her lips and releases a menacing growl. With a nod to Akashi, it's on.

“David is mine,” she snarls and lunges at me.

Akashi launches forward, positioned to slice Tristan’s throat. Unbeknownst to the rogues, my father and the council members have arrived.

Father commands his team to apprehend them, no matter the cost. The rogues will be put to death anyway, if they die here then so be it. Richard goes to Tristan and together they fight the two that held him. A range of emotions crosses Richard’s face as he inventories his son’s visible wounds.

Father approaches Mother as she spits at me, “You called them and turned in your own mother?”

Bereft of all emotion, I rebut, “The day you turned rogue was the day you ceased to be my mother. You no longer have the right to call me son.”

She lurches forward but Father blocks her mid-strike. This diversion allows the others enough time to shackle her.

The other two elders are unable to stop Akashi. He takes them both down with multiple lacerations across their torsos and arms before he escapes. Tristan and his father seize the two remaining with minimal resistance once Mother was under control.

She turns to me, eyes blazing. “This isn’t over, David. You and your human will suffer gravely by my hands. Mark my word.”

With a confidence I didn’t possess before, I stare her down. “Lourdes, I’ll personally end you and any others who dare to cross us.”

Father places his hand on my shoulder. “Son, I know this wasn’t an easy choice for you to make, but please know you did the right thing. Though I deeply regret that it came to this.” We embrace then he and the council members leave.

“Well, I guess it’s time for me to go, too. I’m sorry for all of the problems I’ve caused you and Jess,” Tristan apologizes.

“Tristan, we owe you our lives.Mi casa es tu casa.You’re in no position to travel, you can stay as long as you’d like.” We hug, but I squeeze too hard and cause Tristan to wince from the pain.

“I’m so sorry.”

Tristan shakes it off. “Go upstairs and get your woman.”

I rush away and practically break the door down. We have enough repairs to make already and the drywall mud outside our room hasn’t even dried yet. As soon as I’m inside, I cradle my wife-to-be in my arms. “I’m never letting you go, Jess. It’s over. The council took her and two of her coven into custody. Akashi, who was the one that attacked Tristan in the alley, got away. They’re returning to Bulgaria now on the council’s private jet where they will all stand trial. It’s safe for you to come downstairs, but um, we need to leave the dogs up here until we get a new front door.”

“Well, if the door got the worst of it then I’m a lucky girl,” she replies.

We go to assess the damages while Tristan puts up a temporary front door, ours is beyond repair.

“Tristan, I owe you an apology,” Jess says. “You nearly died fighting for us and that’s something I,” she glances over at me, “I meanwewill never forget.”

“No, Jess, the apology should come from me. I should’ve gone straight to the council with Lourdes’ plan, but I feared what she would do to my family. I’ve come to realize that you and David are a part of that family and I’ll never cross either of you again.”

With my mother in council hands, we breathe a sigh of relief.

Regretfully, that is short lived…
