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“She made it seem like I could have helped them and instead just let them die. I would have traded places with them in a heartbeat.” I looked away from him, as even saying those words made me want to cry. I didn’t realize I’d started rubbing my chest until he gently took hold of my hand again.

“You’re here for a reason.” He kissed the back of my hand and stood up. “I’ll handle her.”

“What do you mean?” I followed him with my eyes as he went to his dresser.

He pulled open a center drawer and pulled out two shirts. “She purposely tried to hurt you and pushed for a reaction; I’m going to give her one.”

“She told me Emily is her sister.”

“She is.” He turned and crossed back across the room. “Here, put this on.”

I took the black t-shirt and pulled it over my head. It was huge on me, but it beat being naked. I caught a whiff of the detergent and lifted part of the shirt to my nose. Whatever detergent they used smelled amazing.

I lifted my eyes to his and saw him watching me with an embarrassing amount of intensity.

“It smells good,” I explained with a laugh. “Was that weird?”

“Nothing you do is weird,” he replied, sounding somewhat irritated. “You’re perfect.”

“You keep saying that and it’s going to go right to my head.” I pointed to my temple.

“Good. Maybe then you’ll start to see yourself how I do.”

Oh. I couldn’t handle this. My heart was going to burst. Another few lines like that and I’d foolishly be telling him I loved him.

“I can take care of Julie myself,” I stated, needing to change the subject.

He took hold of my jaw and forced me to look at him. “Have you not been paying attention? I told you that there was no coming back from this.” When I didn’t immediately reply, he continued.

“I’m going to take care of you. That includes handling nuisances in a way they never fucking bother you again.”

There was a side of me that was elated at hearing those words. And then there was another wondering if this had all been some kind of a twisted prank.

“She’s Emily’s sister.”

“I don’t give—I’ve heard her name enough times from you, I can see it’s a problem too.”

I tried to pull my face free, but his grip tightened to the point I felt pressure. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. “She just text you.”

“I can’t do this with you.” He dropped his hand and stepped a considerable distance away. His face gave nothing away, but I could sense he was upset. His eyes swept over my face, noting the expression I failed to hide. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t mean this.” He motioned between the two of us. “I won’t ever let you go, Rose. That’s the last thing you’ll ever have to question.”

I twisted so that I was facing him and sat on my knees. “Then what did you mean?”

“I don’t like repeating myself, talking in circles. There’s only you. I’ve been fucking my hand since that night you came all over it so not a single soul in this town could say she got to fuck my days, weeks, months before you made me yours.”

Judging by the look on his face he was either an incredible actor or being completely sincere. He came back to me and grabbed my hands, holding them to his chest. “I know you, Roselynn. Far better than you even know yourself. You’ll learn how to trust me sooner than later.”

“I’m so confused. You’re making it sound like you’ve known me for years.”

He canted his head and looked at me thoughtfully. “For as long as I’ve been watching you, I have.”

Watching me. That wasn’t the first time he’d alluded to doing that in a manner that was not the same as how I watched him. A thought entered my mind that had a heavy amount of conflict piercing my gut. “Have you…?” I shook my head, unable to actually voice the question aloud. A knock at his door had me jumping again.

Con laughed and let go of my hands. “What is it?”

“I need your help,” Justin called from the other side.

I hadn’t even known he was at home.

“Go downstairs, I’ll be there in a minute.” The only response was the sound of him walking away.

“I need to go deal with this. Stay in here until I’m done.” He went to turn away and stopped as if remembering something.

“You need to eat before I spend the rest of the night fucking you until you can’t get out of my bed.”

“Someone speaks a good game,” I quipped, having no doubts he meant every bit of what he’d just said.

He knew it too. He ignored my comment altogether, acknowledging with a smirk as if accepting a challenge. “Pizza? You like alfredo sauce and sausage with root beer. Does that work?”
