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I tried to recall the night before after he carried me back to his bed, but all that came back was us being a tangle of limbs and pleasure. The distinct taste of liquor. But I didn’t feel the slightest bit hungover…

“You don’t remember,” he stated matter-of-factly.

“I remember the other stuff.”

He smirked, “That’s all that matters right now.”

With a light touch, he pushed my knees apart and gently placed the washcloth between my legs. We both looked down at the finger-shaped bruises he’d left on my thighs.

“I love seeing these on you.” He reached between my legs and trailed his fingertips through the come he hadn’t wiped away yet, using it to trace over one of the outlines.

“I know you do,” I murmured. He fucked like a borderline sadist, and I could never get enough of him.

As we were lying in bed before I fell asleep after we ate but before he went and carved up between Julie’s legs. I had my head on his chest and his fingers running through my hair when he told me. “I like to fuck rough. You’ll cry and beg and occasionally bleed, but I’ll always make it as good for you as it is for me.”

“What are you thinking about?” he asked with a knowing smirk.

I laughed softly. “Nothing.”

He slid a hand around to my back and began to trace up and down my spine. “For better and worse. I’ve never had someone like you before.”

“What?” Did he just recite a wedding vow? “I don’t understand what that means. Is it good or bad?”

“What do you think?” he questioned rhetorically. “You’re a dream, Rose. One I’ve been waiting for, for a long time.”

He spread the washcloth out, careful not to press too hard, cognizant of how sore I was. “You liked it didn’t you? Enough to wake up screaming my name and leaving your mark on my back.”

“I didn’t hate it,” I admitted.

Secretly, I wouldn’t mind if he did it again, but from behind next time.

He planted a soft kiss on my cheek and then straightened.

He moved over to his computer chair where a duffel bag was, leaving the washcloth draped over my throbbing pussy.

He unzipped the bag and pulled out a black shirt and my pajamas he’d torn off me the first time we ever slept together. The oddity that was the bag had me looking around the room. I belatedly realized it wasn’t set up the same as it had been hours ago. He’d thoroughly cleaned up, going as far as packing away his trophies.

Anxiety plucked at my chest. “Are you going away again?”

“Not without you,” he replied softly. “You’re coming with me this time.”

“I am?”

“We have to leave soon. Take a quick shower and get dressed.”

We. Not just him. I really was going with him. “When was this decided?”

“First. Get dressed.”

“You’re not going to tell me where we’re going or why?”

When I didn’t make any attempts to move, he rested his hands on the duffel bag and sighed. “I’m trying to be decent for you Rose. Please don’t make me have to repeat myself, my patience can only go so far.”

Even stark naked the dark notes in his voice were clear and concise enough to prickle the hairs on the back of my neck. I debated pushing back, but I knew how to pick and choose my battles and right now, I was on unfamiliar grounds. I scooted across the bed. and grabbed the clothes he’d laid out for me. trying to ignore every ache and twang I felt as I walked.

My reflection was the first thing to catch my eye. It rendered me frozen with shock and awe. Teeth marks, a bit of dried blood, and the bruises all looked worse than they felt.

Maybe this is what he’d meant when he said that there would be days I wouldn’t want to get out of bed. I was still studying myself in the wideset mirror when he came into the bathroom to start the shower, carrying two plush towels with him.

He walked by me and sat them on the vanity. I stared, unabashedly at his beautiful naked body. He caught my eye and grinned. “You keep looking at me like that, we’re never going to leave this room.”

I returned my attention to the mirror, begrudgingly, holding back a plea to do just that. When we were alone, I got him all to myself. Always one to read the room, he came and hugged me from behind. “You’re perfect.”

“What’s going to happen now, with…you know.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. It’s being taken care of. Are you upset?”

“Is your sister upset?”

“Victoria hated her, she had her around for family-related reasons. You’ll know all about what that’s like soon.” He kissed my cheek. “Now why don’t you answer me?”

I lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I’m not really. I didn’t know her to care. I guess that was pretty brutal, but I’m not upset about it.”
