Page 39 of Wicked Grace

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Unlocking the wards, he added two more spells he’d ordered from witches from two different continents. He pricked a finger, allowing fresh blood to invoke the charms.Anything to keep her safe. Chasing the Order around the world hadn’t been enough. He’d failed her just as he’d failed to keep Alys out of the witch prison, Vori from being forced into the goblin realm, and his mother from having more biological children. This time he would do whatever it took to hunt down every operative until the Order no longer existed. He couldn’t have her, but neither couldthey.

“New toys?” Alys stood in the doorway. “The million locks and wards you already have in place not enough? I hope you brought presents as well since you have serious groveling ahead of you.”

“Oh?” Not that he cared much about whatever gifts she expected. No, he wanted to check on Joelle, to see with his own eyes that she remained safe and unharmed without the nightmares that’d plagued her.

“You rejected her as your mate, took her to your bed to hear Eddie tell it, and then deserted her for days. Do they make apology cards for that? Perhaps a yacht or a private plane would be enough. Though given your woman’s love of your library, a few first edition alchemy texts or grimoires might do.”

He stopped assessing the new wards long enough to hear the last of what she’d said. “She studies magic?” Given how she’d shoved a spellbook at him so many years ago after battling bullies for it, he hadn’t known what to expect. Yet if he hadn’t been in such a hurry to leave, he might’ve hidden some of the editions he had on the darker arts. He couldn’t have his angel stumbling over those. What would she think of him? No, nothisangel. He’d fought to remind himself of that important distinction since leaving her asleep in his bed. His life required balance, control, and discipline, not wishful thinking about a fated mate he couldn’t deserve. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he moved to push past Alys.

“Joelle studieseverything, but the Order wouldn’t allow any talk or books of magic except for their sadistic experimentation on supernaturals.”

He missed a step. “How do you know this?”

“She told me. Didn’t she tell you? Oh wait, you haven’t been here.”

Shoving down his annoyance at the lecture he knew would be coming from his sister, he dropped his bag on the kitchen island. “Go ahead—”

“Losha.” His sister’s soft use of his childhood nickname pulled at the impenetrable lock he worked to keep on his emotions.

Worry at her sadness pricked at him, making him anxious over whatever horrible news might be coming. “What is it?”

“The Order. They experimented onher.”

Rage rushed through his chest, stealing his breath, churning his stomach, and leaving the burning taste of bile on his tongue. “They did what?” He bit off each word.

“After the torture and experiments and her multiple escape attempts, they shackled her around the ankles so she couldn’t run. She was just a little kid. They did such terrible things that I couldn’t bear to ask her to work in my lab or for her DNA sample. She’s a healer, and they treated her as a monster.”

“I should’ve killed the Order operative.”

“I’m shocked you didn’t,” she mumbled and shook her head. “No wonder Joelle’s such a peacemaker. To think I’d worried she had used meeting you as a ploy to spy on us for the witches and that I judged her for being so quiet. Then, I thought she was shy and became convinced you would scare her off with your sour disposition. Instead, she stayed despite you leaving and did her best to fit in, playing mediator between Nita and Eddie if you can believe that. Although I imagine she learned early not to risk upsetting anyone. It would explain why she hides her emotions behind curiosity.”

Lack of emotion—who could ever accuse Joelle of such a thing? The woman was passion personified with quick anger when he’d threatened Kyle or huge sorrow-filled eyes when she believed she didn’t matter enough. Her joy as she’d spotted him at the ball, her wonder at their kiss, her sleepy smiles in his bed. She hid nothing. Not that he could tell Alys any of that. “Where is she now?”

“In your library. She’s had great ideas on tracking the Order through magical methods. She suggested scrying for the siphon that the witches lost or a dragon wing that she read about in the archives when you broke her out.”

“You didn’t let her, did you? If a spell could lead her to the Order, it could lead them straight back to her.”

“What makes you think you couldlether do anything, Your Highness? Everyone else around here might kneel to your royal ass, but she doesn’t.” Alys glared at him. “You could’ve fixed that if you’d used your brain, accepted your mate, and begged. Now? I suggest you do the kneeling for her. Or crawl or let her call you Daddy or whatever suits her pleasure.”

“Stop.” Listening to his baby sister talk about sex—no matter how indirectly—made him sick. “Joelle doesn’t do kink.”Or at least not yet. He might’ve been the first man to touch her, to know how wet and tight she felt, but what a fucking addictive mix of passion and wildness she’d shown. Still, he wouldn’t haveanyonethinking about her naked but him. “She’s an innocent.”

“She might be inexperienced in the bedroom, but she’s not innocent. Not after all she has endured, and she’s my age. Both she and I have seen enough evil to make us more mature than most your age, old man.”

Eight years didn’t seem so grand in the bigger scheme of the world when she said it like that. Still… “I’m not jumping into forever because of some destiny. Be practical. I’m a demon hybrid. She’s a freakin’ angel.”

“Who might be freaky if you let her fly.”

“Why do you always go to the sex stuff?”

Alys stepped into his space, jabbing her finger at him and bristling with restrained power. “Why doyouassume we women need your big male princely protection and not just some support in kicking ass?”

“I support your crazy stunts. Remember who funded your deep dive into origins research—the reason the witches kidnapped you.”

“You don’t know who came after me or why. It could’ve been a power play or a revenge game. I might’ve pissed off one of their precious heirs at a bar fight or turned one down for a date. I can think of thousands of reasons why witches would help nab me. Not everythingbadthat happens in our family revolves around you.”

“No, just the horrible tragedies that happen to the women in our family—you, Vori, our mother.”

“Get over yourself, Alexei. You’re not the reason crappy stuff happens. Nor are you the Chosen One to save us.” Alys paused, seeming to consider. “Your mate though? She might be.” Looking at the bag he’d tossed on the counter, she asked, “Do you plan to stay? Or should I explain why you didn’t want to see her?”
