Page 57 of The Darkest Mark

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Cole took his seat across from me. I looked at him curiously, betting he’d leave the briefing and head straight to train with Amelia, the same as he had yesterday. I wondered if Stone knew what he was doing.

“There’s been no word of Nathan Longroad,” Stone said. “We need an informant in their pack.”

“I can work on that,” I said, and several skeptical gazes swiveled my way. “What? I’m the most charming of the four of us . . . Although that bar is low enough for Satan to do the limbo.”

“I’ve never heard you volunteer for work before in your life,” Stone said.

“Because Tee and Cole base their whole identities on serving your whims, Stone. I’m a caring man. I can’t take that away from them.”

“I should let Tee kick your ass,” Stone said, though his heart wasn’t in his threats today. “You need to be careful going anywhere near the Longroad pack. I’ll go with you.”

“The hell you will. You’ll blow my cover. Random humans on the street turn around when you walk by, like even they can sense your alpha weirdness.”

Stone frowned at me. How dare I insult his alphaness.

“I’ll go with him,” Teresa said suddenly. “The Longroad pack doesn’t see women. I’m the best person to watch his back.”

“And Amelia is the best person to know who to target,” Cole said quietly.

“She’s not leaving pack territory.” Stone’s words dropped with the weight of finality.

“No, but we can talk to her,” Teresa agreed with Cole.

I propped my chin in my hand, absolutely fascinated by this turn of events.

Stone nodded, thinking it over. “Don’t trust her.”

“Oh, I won’t,” Teresa promised.

I’d find out who was dead and alive from the Longroad pack while I discovered what they knew about Nathan. I could protect Amelia, from both her biggest fears—that she had lost the ones she loved and that Nathan would find her again.

When we were leaving, I asked Stone, “Hey, can I talk to you?”

Stone had been absent at the house lately. I was curious why, but that wasn’t my most pressing concern.

“Yeah, of course. What’s up?”

The two of us waited as the others filed out of the library.

“How come you haven’t had your witch chat with Amelia yet?” I didn’t want Amelia to deal with Louisa, but it was interesting that Stone was waiting on getting an answer to his burning question.

Unless he was afraid to discover that Amelia had something to do with Brennan’s death. Or maybe he was afraid that she didn’t, which meant there was no reason to avoid her.

Stone was hard to read, but I knew my brother, and the way he acted around Amelia wasn’t his normal dauntless self.

“I want Amelia to be strong and healthy before she faces Louisa.” Stone looked stern and distant in a way that might’ve been convincing to someone who hadn’t grown up in the same house and seen him turnstern and distantas a self-defense tactic.

“Mm. Well, I have another idea about how to get our girl to trust us and turn a bit more talkative.”

Stone smiled in the arrogant, older brother way that always made me fantasize about punching him. “What’s that?”

“Let her feel safe here.”

“Isn’t Cole in charge of that?”

I felt a ripple of jealousy at the mere mention of how much time Cole was spending with her. Not that he was making good use of it, the boring bastard.

“Give Amelia one of the cottages to live in with Dylan. Let her feel like she’s one of us, she’s safe, she’s trusted.”
