Page 27 of Ravaged Innocence

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“Let me finish before you run off. I’m only suggesting that I can help you with your credits and grades, and you can help me… when I need assistance.” He waves his hand over his erection as if it’s some sort of medical condition he needs me to address.

For a beat I’m too shocked, too appalled, tooeverythingto even comprehend the disgusting thing he’s suggesting.

I shove his hand away from my shoulder and get to my feet. “That is never going to happen!”

He moves with me, grabbing at my arm. “Don’t get upset. I want to discuss your future, Avery. You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you can figure out what would happen if you were dismissed from this program.”

Before I can conjure up a response, the door of the office flies opens, banging against the wall.

“Get your fucking hand off her!” Luka shoves the chair I was just sitting in out of the way and grabs hold of Professor Scotts’ lapels.

“What is this!? Who are you?” Scotts’ eyes go wide with panic, and he swats at Luka’s hands.

“Are you all right?” Luka turns to me while holding my professor off the ground a solid inch.

“I’m fine.” I gape at him. “Luka, put him down.”

He turns his glare to the professor. “You touched her.”

“I was only talking with her. I didn’t hurt her!” His short little legs swing while Luka holds him even higher, bringing my professor’s eyes to meet his.

“Luka…” I step over the overturned chair and get to his side. “Please, put him down.”

“Avery, go outside,” Luka orders me, keeping his dangerous glare settled on the director of my entire future.

“What’s happening in here?” Another teacher from the next office over stands in the doorway.

“Gerald!” Scotts kicks more. “Get the security guard.”

“No, Gerald.” Luka turns to look over his shoulder, his expression murderous. “Go back to your office, Gerald.”

“Luka. Please,” I plead with him.

He glances down at me, his look no less severe than when he glared at Gerald.

“Go outside, now,” he orders in the specific tone of his that tells me he’s past the point of reason.

“Maybe you should come with me while they finish their conversation,” Gerald waves me toward the doorway.

For hell’s sake. I grab my purse that fell to the ground and step out of the office.

“He made a pass at you, didn’t he?” Gerald, who I believe teaches the anatomy lab class I’ll have to take next semester, asks.

There’s a clamor from the other side of the door, but Gerald puts his arm out to stop me from grabbing the door handle.

“He’s done this before?” I ask him.

Guilt covers his face. “He has tenure and a solid reputation at this school.”

“But you know he does this?” I press him.

He frowns. “He won’t be doing it anymore, I wager.” His shoulders jerk upward when there’s another crash.

“You knew… and you let it happen.”

“Several times I’ve offered to go to the dean with one of the girls, but none of them have ever been willing to go against him. And me making an accusation without a victim isn’t really helpful, is it?”

I sigh. Another crash and then a loud groan.
