Page 28 of Ravaged Innocence

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“He’s going to kill him.” I look back at the door. A second later it opens and Luka stands in the doorway, not a single hair out of place. His leather jacket isn’t even disheveled. He rolls his shoulders back and turns to look down at Gerald.

“He’s going to need a doctor. I heard a rib crack.” Luka grabs my hand and pulls me toward him, then out of the outer office and into the hallway. Classes are in session, so it’s empty in the hall. Did no one hear that?

“You didn’t kill him, did you?” I ask as I hurry to keep up with his steps.

Once we’re in the stairwell, he pulls me to the side and grabs my purse.

“What are you doing?” I try to snag it back, but he has his hand inside and pulls out my phone.

“You didn’t decline my last call.” He shows me the screen. The line has been live for the last twenty-five minutes. “But you tried.”

“You’re mad that I didn’t answer your call?”

“There are so many things I’m angry about right now, Avery.” He ends the call and tucks it into his back pocket. “And we can talk about all of them when we get home.”

“You can’t be angry at me.” I follow him down the steps as he hurries ahead of me.

“Like hell I can’t.” He rounds the first turn and continues down to the next floor.

“I was working. I didn’t answer your calls because I was working,” I call after him.

When he hits the landing on the first floor, he spins to face me, making me nearly knock right into his chest. “I’m angry at that bastard. I’m angry that you didn’t tell me what an asshole he was. I’m angry that you didn’t answer my texts or my calls, and I’m angry that if I hadn’t gotten there in time…” He pinches his lips together and inhales deeply. “We need to get home before I think about what might have happened again and go back up there.”

I slide my hand into his. “I’m all right, Luka. And I would have been all right. I’m at least thirty years younger than him. I could have taken him.”

A long moment passes in silence. Slowly his breathing calms and his nostrils stop flaring with each breath.

“You shouldn’t have to.” He squeezes my hand. “Let’s go home. I need to be sure you’re all right and that the bastard didn’t hurt you.”

“He didn’t!” I try to tell him, but he’s pulling me through the lobby and outside where the rain has stopped.

“Until I do a thorough check, I won’t believe it.”


The elevator dooris barely open before I pull my girl into the penthouse.

“Woah!” Her foot slips out from beneath her thanks to the wet soles of her cheap sneakers. I twist around and catch her before her ass hits the floor.

“You need better shoes,” I say as I pull her up so she can find her balance again.

“These are fine.” She lifts one foot to show me. There’s a small hole in the toe of the shoe.

“How wet are your feet?” I point to the hole. The entire shoe is soaked. Her feet are probably freezing from the rain.

“If I have to tell you one more time that I’m fine, I’m going to lose my shit,” she argues.

“Lose your shit?” I ask on a laugh as I continue pulling her toward the bedroom. Until I check every inch of her to be sure that asshole didn’t hurt her, I won’t be satisfied. When I first realized she hadn’t ended our call, I was going to hang up on my end, but then I heard another voice. I’d already been to the library and was told where she was headed, but when that prick’s words came through the cell, I ran straight for his building.

“Yes. Lose my shit,” she repeats. “You know, like get angry and have a full-blown tantrum.”

I kick the door to the bedroom closed the moment she crosses the threshold. “I promise, Pchelka, if you throw a tantrum, I’ll throw you over my knee and make you regret it.” I shuck off my leather jacket and hang it on the back of the chair. “And stop cursing.”

“Then stop asking me if I’m hurt,” she counters while toeing off her sneakers. As soon as they’re off her feet, I pick them up and take them to the trash can in the bathroom.

“No, don’t!” She follows me, trying to get them back out, but I counter her actions by spinning her around and delivering a sound smack to her ass. She yelps and shoots me a dark glare.

“An ass whooping on a wet ass is not pleasant,” I warn her. She’s eyeing the trash can like she’s going to make another try for them.
