Page 53 of Ravaged Innocence

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The back door swings open, and Budimir barks an order at me. By his gesture, I think he wants me to get out of the car.

“I’m good here.” I smile.

The man snarls at me and yells something in Russian. I can’t pick one word apart from the others he spits them out so fast, but I’m pretty sure he’s not asking me to dinner.

A loud air horn blares somewhere from the river. Behind me there’s a train horn, and then the immediate sounds of a train blasting along the tracks. I should have paid more attention when Stepan was driving. None of this helps me recognize my location. If I can get away from them, which direction do I go? If I go the wrong way, I could end up blocked by the trains that run along the river, or I could just end up in another harbor.

“This way.” Stepan grabs my arm and pulls me along. “Watch the steps.” He gentles his grip as we make our way down a short set of broken concrete steps.

Budimir walks behind me, and Stepan is right at my side, leading me down a narrow path to the back entrance of a warehouse. Patches of grass peek through the cracks in the asphalt. Weeds have overgrown areas leading up to the door. Windows are broken and shattered on the upper level of the building, and several panels of the siding are warped and twisted.

“Luka wouldn’t use this warehouse,” I say, mostly talking to myself. If I can just keep myself under control, I’ll be able to think more clearly. “It’s falling apart. He wouldn’t use this.” I try to pull free of Stepan, but he tightens his hold, yanking me toward the door.

“It’s not his,” he says almost off-handedly.

“Is it Nico De Luca’s?”

“Stop asking so many damn questions,” Stepan demands. His voice has a slight shake to it, but I can’t tell if it’s because he’s afraid of what Luka will do when he sees me here, or if he’s afraid of the De Luca family.

The metal door squeals when he pulls it open. Light pours from inside, creating a shadow as Stepan steps up into the building. He has to let go of me in order to make the step, but before I can even contemplate making a run for it, Budimir shoves my back, forcing me forward. My foot catches on the steep step and I fall forward.

Stepan catches me and quickly rights me onto my feet, then yells at Budimir.

“Bring her here,” a voice calls from across the open space. Other than a dozen or so crates and a few stacks of pallets, the warehouse is empty. Once I get my balance back, I look around, but the brightness of the neon lighting makes me squint at first. I hadn’t realized how dark it had gotten outside until now.

“C’mon.” Stepan loosely grabs my elbow and brings me forward. There’s a group of three men standing shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the open space. It’s all very dramatic looking—the expensive suits, the thick dark hair slicked back from their faces, and each of them standing with their hands folded in front of them with a thick gold ring on their pinkies.

“Glad you could make it, Ms. Lewis.” The man in the middle inclines his head. “I’m hoping your presence will make Mr. Romanov a bit more cooperative.” He steps forward, then takes a step to the left.

My heart plummets.

It’s Luka. He’s slumped in a chair with his hands tied behind him.

He’s been shot in the shoulder.

I lunge forward, but Stepan grabs me, pulling me back.

“Luka.” His name is a raw whisper, but he must hear me. He raises his head enough for me to see the damage these assholes have done.

“It’s all right, Pchelka. I’m all right,” he assures me in a gravelly tone.

He’s all right?

He’s been shot!


I’m goingto kill every man in this room. It will be slow, and only after they’ve begged for the end will I consider ending it. Stepan will suffer the most.

But first, I need to get out of this fucking chair so Avery can see that I’m all right. I have to look like shit. I took a few punches to the face, and the bullet in my shoulder isn’t doing anything to help the situation either, but I’m not out yet.

“Now that she’s here, Luka, do you think you can finally answer my simple questions?” Enzo stands in front of me.

“I told you. I’m on vacation. I don’t know shit about anything, except if your men get any closer to her, I’m going to rip off their hands.” I turn toward Stepan and Budimir advancing on Avery. The pricks turned on their own family. Men like that can’t be fucking trusted by anyone. For any reason.

“Vacation?” Enzo laughs. “We’ve been over this. The Raskolnikovs already know it was you that took out Rodion.”

“Yeah? Then why aren’t they here? Why’d they ask you to do their dirty work?” I spit at his feet. That last punch I took loosened a tooth.
