Page 54 of Ravaged Innocence

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“It’s a simple request. Give me the name.”

I laugh. “Even if I knew the name, I wouldn’t give it to you.” I snap my attention to Stepan.

“Sure, you do. You’re the guy that holds the secrets.”

“What idiot told you that?” I shake my head. I’m going to need a few aspirin after this is over. “I won’t tell you anything.”

“Well then.” He pulls out his gun from the holster beneath his suit and walks over to Avery. She freezes as Stepan and Budimir move away from her, giving Enzo more room.

He was dead the first time he put Avery’s name in his mouth, ordering to have her brought here. But if he touches her, I will burn in hell for the things I’m going to do to him before I let him drag in his last breath. The devil will welcome me with open arms, and I’ll gladly sit at his table to keep her safe.

The knots in the rope tied around my wrists are finally starting to come lose. These pricks wouldn’t know how to tie a proper knot if their lives depended on it. And they did.

“Luka.” Her eyes are filled with tears, but her gaze is unwavering as she keeps her attention locked on me.

Such a good girl. That’s right, focus on me.

“Why do you want the name so bad anyway? You can’t figure out how to make your own product?” The knot is almost undone.

“I’ll shoot her. Don’t think I won’t,” Enzo says, moving closer to her. Still, her gaze remains on me.

Stepan and Budimir have backed away to the door of the warehouse. Cowards.

The rope finally opens and drops from my wrists. In one moment, I’m up on my feet and charging. Just as De Luca’s men get in my way, the back door of the warehouse opens, and men run in. Guns go off, bullets fly.

One of De Luca’s men gets hit and falls to the ground. Stepan bellows in pain and crumbles to the floor at Budimir’s feet.

The second of De Luca’s men is distracted by the chaos, so it’s easy work to get his gun from him and take him out with one shot. Once he’s on the ground I turn toward De Luca. My heart stops.

Avery has his gun. She’s standing in front of him, pointing it at his head with both hands. She’s shaking so much the tip of the gun wiggles.

Gregor and Maxim appear at my side, guns drawn. Boris takes care of Budimir.

“Avery,” I say quietly. “Give me the gun, Pchelka.”

“He shot you.” Rage fills her voice. “He was going to kill me.” While her hands are shaking, her voice is a steel rod.

“He didn’t, Pchelka. Don’t do this.” She can’t do this. It would ravage all of the innocence she holds. She would never come back from killing a man, even one that deserves it as much as he does.

Enzo shifts and she follows him with the gun. Her finger moves to the trigger.

“Avery, give me the gun.” I harden my voice, needing her compliance more than ever. “Avery.” I walk up to her, holster the gun I’m already holding, and slowly wrap my hand around the barrel of hers. “No, Pchelka, no.” I take the gun easily from her hands and tuck it into my waistband.

Slowly she turns to me, and I notice the mess on her shirt, the splatter on her chin. She may not have pulled a trigger in this room, but she absorbed the terror.

“I have him.” Gregor moves around me, holding Enzo at gunpoint. “I think we need to have a talk, you and I.” He pushes the barrel of his gun into Enzo’s chest.

I wrap my arms around Avery, hugging her tightly.

“They were going to kill you,” she whispers into my blood-soaked shirt.

“I’m taking you out of here.” I pick her up, holding her hard against me. She instantly snakes her arms around my neck and buries her head beneath my chin. I carry her away from the violence of my world. She should have remained untarnished from it, but my selfish need to possess her has ruined her.

“He was going to kill you,” she says against my neck again.

“He didn’t, baby. He didn’t.” I hold her tighter.

Maxim jogs up to me as I reach the parking lot. “I’ll take you.” He leads me to his SUV and opens the back door so I can climb in with her.
