Page 106 of Pretty Vile

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Civilization is left far behind as we bump down the beaten path, with nothing but my headlights and the stars above to guide us. When we’re far enough out, I pull the car to a stop, and everyone peers out the windows.

“Looks like as good a spot as any,” Hawk states before throwing open his door.

The rest of us follow him out. Hawk and Wilder move to the trunk, gathering supplies to get a fire started, while I check what direction the wind is blowing before leading Emilia away from the car in search of a suitable spot.

We walk about a quarter of a mile before I’m happy that we’re far enough away from the car that unless the wind changes direction, no ash should cover it. We’re all wrapped up in winter coats, but I still put my arms around her from behind while we wait for Hawk and Wilder to catch up.

She tilts her head back, looking up at the stars, and prompts me to do the same. Out here, away from the light pollution, hundreds of thousands of stars twinkle high above us.

"It’s beautiful," Emilia says, captivated by the universe’s beauty. "It reminds me that there’s a whole universe out there, and we’re nothing more than a speck of dust. Here for a blink of time, and then gone."

"It’s one of the reasons I love coming out here so much. It helps give me some perspective. When I’m feeling lost or bogged down, I just come out here and take in the scenery, look at the stars, and it helps me realize how inconsequential my worries are."

Her gaze shifts to mine as she smiles. “I like that. I could do with that perspective sometimes too.”

Leaning down, I press a brief kiss to her forehead. “We can start coming out here together.”

“What are we whispering about?” Wilder says, interrupting us in too loud a voice for the moment.

Sighing, I tear my eyes away from Emilia’s, glaring at him before shifting my attention to Hawk as he gets the fire lit. Still gathered in my arms, Emilia reaches out to hold Wilder’s as the fire grows.

When the flames grow tall enough, I notice Wilder’s paler-than-usual complexion and rare nervousness as he stares at the fire. Guess that explains why he’s standing back here with us.

Hawk steps back to join us as the fire gathers energy, and the four of us watch the intensity rise. Occasionally Hawk or I add more wood, stoking it hotter until the flames reach up into the night sky, like fingers trying to touch the stars.

“That’s probably hot enough now?” Hawk asks when we’ve been standing out here, freezing our asses off for half an hour. He looks at Wilder and me for confirmation.

“Yeah?” I respond, unsure.

It’s not like any of us have any experience burning body parts.

“I’ll go grab some… parts,” Wilder says before taking off to the car.

“You’re still okay with doing this?” Hawk asks, scrutinizing Emilia closely.

"It’s not like we have any other choice, but to answer your question, yes, I’m surprisingly okay with this. I’m actually having fun." She laughs, as though she just heard herself and realized how fucked up that probably sounded, but I get it. Sure, we’re out here to commit a heinous crime, but it’s not like the bitch doesn’t deserve it, and other than the fact that my nose has started to freeze, I could happily sit out here all night under the stars with the fire going.

“I’m having fun, too,” I assure her, squeezing her tighter.

“It’s the first time all four of us have done something together,” Hawk says as we watch Wilder approach, his arms loaded.

“Is it weird thatthisis our first group activity?” Emilia asks.

“Nah, I don’t think so. It feels almost fitting. A new beginning for all of us—together.” Emilia grins at Hawk, linking her hand with his.

“Agreed,” I chime in.

The three of us fall silent as Wilder reaches the fire, dropping his stack ofpartson the ground before tossing the first one into the fire.

“Is he okay being that close?” Emilia asks, worried.

“He’ll be fine. He wants to do this,” Hawk assures.

Wilder throws another couple of pieces on before moving to join us, and even though we’re a fair distance away from the fire, it’s not long until the smell of burning flesh reaches us.

“Ugh, that’s not pleasant,” Emilia gripes, her hand coming up to cover her mouth and nose. Agreeing, I zip my coat up enough to cover the bottom half of my face.

Wilder throws the last remaining pieces into the flames, and we all agree to wait for the fire to do its job from inside the warmth of the car. Emilia climbs into the backseat with Hawk and Wilder wedged in between them while I slide into the driver’s seat. Turning the engine on, I blast the heat, and it’s not long until it’s warm and cozy.
