Page 105 of Pretty Vile

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My hands shake with rage as I tramp down the stairs, knowing my girl could have diedtwicetonight. If Hawk and Kai hadn’t arrived at the bunker in time, or if Kai had been even a second later getting to the house.

I might have been pissed at him for abandoning me at the hospital, but he could leave me ball gagged and stripped naked in the middle of the desert if it meant he saved Em in time.

When I’m standing over my Angel’s ex-stalker, I take my time casting my eyes over her still form before crouching down beside her. “There’s nomaybeabout it. Iwilltorch your body when I’m done playing with it.”



“Is that it?” I ask as Wilder slams the trunk shut. He’s been hard at work all evening, chopping Mel’s body into burnable pieces. The creepiest part is that he’s been sporting a crazy grin ever since. Now, it may have something to do with the fact that he and Emilia have finally resolved their issues, but I’m pretty certain a large part of it has to do with the pleasure he gained from dismembering Mel.

“Yup, that’s all of her.”

“It’s disturbing seeing you this happy.”

The lunatic just grins at me. “What’s not to be happy about? It’s a great day.”

I wouldn’t say I’m all that close with Wilder. He was part of Hawk and Hadley’s group when they invited me in, so he was around, but until Emilia, I never spent much time with him.

After the hell he’s put Emilia through and seeing the pleasure he has derived from today, I can now officially say that I think the guy is certifiable. Probably more similar to Mel than to me.

“So you’re done with all your crap?” I ask. “With Em.”

My question seems to catch him off guard, his smile wavering slightly. He doesn’t immediately answer, and instead of allowing myself to be intimidated by his piercing stare, I meet him head-on.

I don’t care if Mel is out of the picture; if he’s going to be a part of this, then I need to know that I can trust him. Trust him to put Emilia’s well-being first. Trust him to protect her. To inform me if something happens.

He must see that in my gaze as he eventually caves. "Yeah, I’m done. We talked. Well, she talked, and I finally listened."

I roll my eyes. “If only you’d done that in the first place and saved us all months of listening to you torture her.”

He smirks. “Don’t lie, you got off on that shit.”

Matching his expression, I retort, “I got off on getting her off after you left her hanging.”

Eyes narrowing to slits, he scowls at me. “Did both of you just help yourselves to my leftovers?”

“Maybe that will teach you not to leave a girl high and dry.” As I step past him, I reach out and smack him across the back of the head. “And don’t talk about her like that. Emilia isn’t discarded food you didn’t want to eat.”

“I know that,” he snaps. “That’s not what I was saying.” Spinning, he closes the distance between us until he can jam his finger in my chest. “Emilia is a five-course meal filled with delicacies you’d sell your left nut to taste again.”

I take a step away from him and give a nod of acquiescence. "Glad we’re finally on the same page."

“Everyone ready to go?” Hawk asks, appearing at the front door with Emilia behind him.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

He locks up the house, and the four of us pile into the car. It’s pitch black out, seeing as it’s the middle of the night, and we feel strangely cocooned in the safety of the car, despite the purpose of our drive.

I navigate us through the city and toward Hollow’s Park. None of us need to fill the silence as the miles tick by. When I pass the turnoff for the trail Emilia and I took that day, I reach across the center console and grasp her hand.

She turns to look at me, and I whisper for only her to hear, “Soon.”

She smiles, and even though we’re driving a dismembered body across the city and we’d all end up in a jail cell for the rest of our days if the cops decided to pull us over, it lights up her whole face.

It fills me with hope. Hope that I’ll witness more of those smiles. Hope that we will be free to pursue this chemistry between us. Hope that the four of us can carve out a happy existence for ourselves that will survive the long haul.

Driving further down the road, I turn off down a narrow dirt track. If you didn’t know to look for it, then you’d just drive on past without ever seeing it. I only know of its existence because I’ve spent many of my days off hiking in this terrain and know the area like the back of my hand. This part of the mountains is away from the popular tourist trails and is most likely only visited by locals, many of whom probably don’t make a habit of coming out here now that the seasons have changed—or so I’m hoping.
