Page 20 of Pretty Vile

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Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I look left and right as I run along the corridor, skipping past the gym room containing floor-to-ceiling windows that lead out to the back lawn.

His heavy footfalls smack with every step as he leisurely descends the stairs behind me, the deafening boom seeming to vibrate through the walls and make it feel as though he’s right on my tail.

I half expect to feel his breath on the back of my neck at any second, his fingers brushing against my skin; his arm encircling my waist.

The thrill of the chase is intoxicating in a way I’ve never experienced before. It pounds through my veins, invigorating me, breathing life into my soul. All my stress and anxiety go up in a puff of smoke, and not just the worries I carry regarding Mel, buteverything.

None of it matters at this moment. Nothing matters except evading Hawk; giving him a worthy chase so he will hopefully reward me once I’m pinned beneath him.

At the next doorway, I grab ahold of the door frame with the tips of my fingers and propel myself into a darkened room.

It takes a second to adjust to the lack of light enough to make out the outline of a large U-shaped sofa, which takes up most of the room. I have no time to take in anything else as I hurry to the far side of the room and duck out of sight.

I can hardly hear the sound of him approaching over the racing of my heart and my own heavy breathing. So, when a large shadow fills the doorway, I clamp both hands over my mouth, staying deathly still.

“Where, oh where, could my Little Sparrow be?” Hawk taunts, sending a shiver of fearful anticipation through me.

Not daring to peek around the side of the sofa, I listen intently to the soft pad of his footsteps as he slowly walks across the plush carpet, moving further into the room.

Just before he moves into my line of sight, I jump up and catapult myself over the arm of the sofa, intending to run across the couch cushions and out the door. However, he pounces on me with all the grace of a cheetah, his arms enveloping me as his weight pushes me down onto the cushions.

With my arms pinned at my sides, all I can do is stare up into his shadowed face. Only a little bit of light from the hall streaks across one side of his face, giving him a macabre appearance. Particularly when his lips curl into a wicked grin.


My chest heaves, partially from exertion, but mainly with exhilaration.

Keeping me pinned beneath the bulk of his weight, he shifts just enough to wedge his arm between our bodies. He easily pushes beneath the elastic waistband of the soft cotton shorts I’m wearing, dipping his finger into my panties and moving lower. He strokes along my sex before pushing inside, releasing a strained groan as he slides through my slickness. “You really do enjoy being chased, don’t you, Little Sparrow?”

Pulling his hand free, he pushes away from me. “Good thing you picked this room. Do you know why?”

Climbing off the sofa, he backs up toward the door, never looking away from me once.

I shake my head, and he smirks. “Because when the door is closed, it’s completely soundproof. No noise in; no noise out.” Closing us inside, he switches on the wall sconces, the dim light chasing away the shadows and adding some ambiance.

“Which means…” He prowls toward me with all the gracefulness of a predator circling his prey. “You can be as loud as you want.”

He crawls over the sofa until he can reach out and curl his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and panties, tugging them down my legs before discarding them on the floor. Pushing my thighs apart, he inserts two fingers inside me.

“So wet and ready for me,” he purrs. “Good. Because I need to be inside you. Now.”

Pulling out, he hastily pushes down his sweats, just enough that his beautifully large, engorged cock springs free from its cage. One tug with his hand is all he allows himself before he lines himself up with my entrance and slams into me in one hard, deep thrust that drives all the air from my lungs. Despite how ready I am, a sharp sting of pain clashes with the pleasure as he stretches me.

“Fucking hell, Emilia,” he groans. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this.”

The sex is hard and fast, but the way his eyes drink in every moment of my pleasure as they roam over my face provides a deeper layer of intimacy. This isn’t just sex. It’s something far more profound. Something I can’t put a name to. I’m unable to find the right word that encompasses the complexity of this feeling.

All I can do is stare up at him as he pounds into me like he’s attempting to split me in half. This man whom I once despised coaxing noises from me that I’d never heard before. He’s both the same boy he was back then and also so very different. He still has the same hard edges and prickly personality, but he’s also grown as a person. I don’t doubt that that’s thanks to Hadley. He maybe didn’t realize it at the time, but he needed her as much as she needed him.

I would hate to think what sort of man he’d be now if the two of them had never found their way back to one another. That hate and distrust he held would have bubbled and festered until it ate him alive. Without Hadley’s love, he’d be cold. Cruel.

He’s still very much capable of being those things, but they don’t rule him. And it turns out, I like when his dominant, terrifying side is allowed out to play. I like playing with that fire, stoking the flames, and waiting to see if I’ll get burned. I want to wear his bruises, to feel the ache in my pussy with every step, to feel the tenderness in my scalp from him pulling my hair.

Huh. Maybe I’m a masochist.

Our sweaty bodies slide and grind against one another, demanding more and more, until his pounding thrusts send me free-falling over the edge, and he grunts out his own release.

As soon as he pulls out, he flips me over, showing no signs of slowing down. “On your knees,” he orders, using his grip on my hips to lift me up before spreading my ass cheeks. “I want to eat my cum from your pussy before filling you up again.”
