Page 21 of Pretty Vile

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Holy crap. I don’t think anyone has ever said anything so dirty to me before.

He proceeds to do exactly that, sending me headfirst into another screaming orgasm as he licks and sucks, making a five-course meal out of my pussy. As soon as I come, he pushes my hips against the arm of the sofa, the upper half of my body perched precariously over the side as he slams back in, already hard again.

At this angle, his cock pushes impossibly deeper, and I swear I can feel it brushing the back of my throat. My battered pussy is in overdrive, simultaneously needing more and unable to handle the assault it’s currently taking.

“God, your pussy is the sweetest addiction,” Hawk grunts between thrusts. “Let me hear you sing, Little Sparrow.”

As though his words are the trigger, my release crashes through me with all the force of a tidal wave. My eyes squeeze shut, a scream rips from my throat, and my whole body convulses as wave after wave of pleasure courses through me.

Incapable of moving, I collapse against the arm of the sofa until Hawk lifts me, rearranging me into a more comfortable position. Pulling off his top, he uses it to clean me up before helping me into my panties and shorts. Then he settles us on the couch, with me sprawled on top of him, and grabs a blanket from the back, draping it over us.

Reaching for the remote, he presses a button that has a projector screen lowering until it covers the entire wall opposite the sofa. He scrolls through the selection of movies, until a recent action one featuring Ryan Reynolds pops up.

“Oh, that one.” Glancing down at me, he raises an arched brow, and I sheepishly confess. “I may have a teeny tiny crush on him.”

“Is that so? Well, now I’m not sure if I should let you watch it. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally scream his name the next time I’m making you come.”

I snort.Yeah, there’s zero chance of that ever happening. I can’t even think straight when Hawk’s cock is buried inside me.

“It’s not one of those shitty rom-com you love so much, is it?” he asks, reading the movie blurb.

“No, it’s an action movie.”

“Oh. Alright then,” he relents, pressing play. He presses a kiss to the top of my head as we settle in to watch, sated and content with reality all but forgotten outside of our happy bubble.

* * *

We’ve spentthe entire day in our cocoon, learning insignificant random details about one another and catching up with each other’s lives. Hawk has told me all about his classes and his future plans for Nocturnal Enterprises, and I filled him in on what life was like at Halston and the job I had in the city—I guess, still technically have? I’ve barely spared my job, or old life, a second thought, and I’m surprised to realize I’m in no hurry to go back. Assuming my job is still there. I should probably check with Kai regarding that.

We’ve kept the conversation light, skipping around any mention of Mel, and mostly avoiding talk of Wilder. We opened the cinema room door a while earlier to allow some light in, and as dusk settles outside and the room grows dark, reality seeps back in.

“Today’s been nice,” I tell Hawk, needing him to know how much I appreciate the temporary distraction.

“Why do I sense a but coming?” he teases.

I give him a small smile. “Because we can’t do this. It’s too dangerous.”

“What if I’m willing to take that risk?” he asks, pulling me closer.

“Tough, because I’m not willing to let you.” Despite my statement, I don’t fight him as he hauls me onto his lap.

He gives me a filthy smirk. “Like you could stop me. One kiss, and you’re weak-kneed and up for helping me act out all the dirty thoughts in my head. You’d cave so easily.” As if to prove his point, he slides his palms up my sides. His thumbs brush along the bottom of my breasts and cause my breathing to hitch. He notices, as his smirk only seems to widen.


“I mean it, Hawk,” I insist, drilling him with my eyes.

“Well, I’m not willing to let you go through this alone. While Wilder is being an ass and Kai is working through his shit,I’mgoing to be here for you every step of the way.”

Tears sting my eyes at the sincerity in his tone, and right here and now, I forever hand the part of my heart that belongs to Hawk over to him. I trust that he will safeguard it with his life—just as I know he will do the same to me.

Likely seeing the emotion playing on my face, his hand comes up, and he strokes his thumb along my cheek. “I’ve agreed to keep my distance when we’re on campus, and we’ll be careful when we’re in the house. However, I can’t stay away from you altogether. Irefuseto.” He stares deeply into my eyes. “We’ve already wasted enough time, and I don’t want to go back to the way I felt before you showed up in my kitchen.”

“What way was that?” I ask, my voice coming out a tad breathless.

“Cold. Robotic. Like something was missing, only I didn’t even realize it.”

My eyes widen, since that’s exactly how I felt, too.
