Page 27 of Pretty Vile

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I jump clear off the floor, failing to swallow the yelp that escapes my throat as I spin to face a concerned-looking student. “Are you okay?” he asks, staring between me and the closed classroom door in front of me.

“Y-yes,” I stutter, struggling to regain my composure. I force out a strangled laugh. “Just a little jumpy this morning.” Working my lips into a tight smile, I turn away from the student and hastily unlock the door.

Despite his lingering presence behind me, I pause in the doorway. My shoulders drop with relief as I scan the classroom. Today, it’s bright and airy. No trace of the storm or Mel’s presence. Everything is… normal.

I get myself set up at my desk as students filter in. A few minutes before the class is due to begin, I glance up, noting that most of the students have arrived and we’re nearly ready to begin. I spot one of Kai’s plants amongst the awaiting students. Their presence and the knowledge that even though Kai can’t physically be here, he’s still watching over me. It chases away the last of my fears, and pushing to my feet, I get started on my first lecture of the day.

“I’ll see you all on Friday,” I call out an hour later, as students file out of the classroom. Students for my next class are already waiting outside the door, ready to come in.

While I wait for the classroom to empty and refill, I open the top drawer of my desk to grab a pen. I want to take note of some of the discussion points students made so we can go over them in more detail next time.

However, any thoughts of my students and classes are snuffed out like a breeze to a flame when I pull the drawer open and find a dried peony lying inside. Staring dumbfounded at it, I blink, then blink again. Its soft pink petals look beautiful against the green leaves and stem. But this is anything but an innocent flower.

For a long moment, I can’t hear anything over the rushing of blood in my ears as I continue to stare at it, before my head whips up, my eyes scouring the room with a fine-tooth comb. Of course, it’s stupid. It was obviously placed here before I arrived this morning, and if Mel is somehow currently watching me, it won’t be from a chair inside my classroom.

With that thought, my eyes snap up to the ceiling, glaring into each of the corners as I search for any cameras or recording devices. Not seeing any, my attention turns to the windows, only it’s impossible to know for sure if Mel is out there, hiding in a bush or behind a tree. She could be watching me through a telescope from a frigging mile away.

Dropping my gaze back to the open drawer, I realize my hands are trembling and my breathing is ragged. I’m on the verge of a panic attack in a classroom full of students.You need to get your shit together,I chastise myself.

Slamming the drawer shut so I don’t have to look at that fucking peony, I lower my head so my students can’t see what a wreck I am, and close my eyes. I suck in a deep breath, holding it for the count of three before slowly exhaling. I repeat the action until I feel like I am once again in control of myself, and the cacophony of noise from students talking with one another has replaced the whoosh of blood rushing through my veins.

As the students begin to settle down, their voices growing quieter, I push all thoughts of Mel and the peony born from a nightmare that’s residing in my drawer to the back of my mind and get to my feet.

“Okay, class. Today we’re looking at Victorian gothic literature…”

I manage to make it through the rest of my morning classes without completely losing it. My eyes only drift to the drawer every five minutes or so, and the second the last student leaves my classroom, I rush from the room like a cackle of hyenas is on my ass.



As I’m powering across campus with no actual destination in mind other than to get as far away from that fucking drawer as possible, I hear my phone vibrate in my handbag.

Digging it out, I glance down at the screen of my new phone. Kai handed one to each of us this morning before we all went our separate ways for the day. Apparently, it’s some special type of phone that’s entirely unhackable. Even Mel, super secret computer expert that she is, won’t be able to access it, meaning the four of us can communicate freely.

The comfort I get from seeing Hawk’s name is indescribable. It eases the panic that’s been coursing through me since I found that flower.

Hawk:Meet us for lunch.

WishingI could do just that, I chew on my bottom lip while I type out a quick reply.

Emilia:I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.

Especially given this morning.I mean, that peony can only be a warning that Mel is watching, right?

Immediately, dots form on the screen, followed a second later by Hawk’s response.

Hawk:It will be fine. Everyone is here, so Mel can’t get angry. Besides, we’ve already discussed this. Stop worrying.

Despite his insistence,I’m still worrying my bottom lip, hesitating over whether to join them, when another message comes through from him.

Hawk:If you don’t, I’ll track you down and make you regret not doing as I say. Don’t forget, I can find you at the press of a button.

It’sdisturbing that a thrill races through me at the thought of him hunting me down on campus, butno, that would not be okay. It’s one thing for us to sneak around inside the house, but on campus? After receiving Mel’s warning this morning? Hell no!

I guess that means I’d better get my ass to the dining hall.

Honestly, I didn’t put up much of a fight. Iwantto go to the dining hall; I want to be surrounded by everyone, where I can feel safe. Even if I can feel Mel’s eyes on me, she can’t do anything when I’m surrounded by others, and I need that comfort right now.
