Page 38 of Pretty Vile

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“Okay.” His gaze zeros in on my lips, and I can tell he wants to kiss me. Except he can’t. Not here, where there are windows, and Mel could be watching our every move.

As if my thoughts alone might summon her, my gaze darts to the window, searching the back lawn for any movements.

I swallow my fear and pull my gaze away, forcing a tight smile to my lips. I hate this. All of it. I hate every single moment of what she’s doing. The suspense, the waiting, the fucked-up games. The wedge she’s driving between Kai and me, the distance she’s forcing between Hawk and me.

As for Wilder and I… Well, I haven’t worked out what impact she’s had on that relationship yet. I don’t see how she could make it any worse. If anything, there’s maybe been a change for the better since she kidnapped me, but honestly, it’s hard to tell with Wilder. I’m not sure he even knows where his head is at the minute, so how the hell am I meant to work it out?

The only thing keeping my sanity intact has been the private moments Hawk and I have stolen. He has kept me thoroughly distracted most nights. The theater room downstairs has become our go-to place as soon as we get home, and by the time he’s finished doing everything he wants to do with me, I’m exhausted, and Mel is the furthest thing from my mind when I crawl into bed, worn out and sated.

“Everything will be okay.” I startle at the sound of Kai’s voice, and when my eyes snap to his, I find he’s no longer glued to his laptop. Instead, he’s apparently been watching me while I was lost in my head. “We’ll all be here when you get back.” He seems conflicted, as though he didn’t want to say anything at all yet couldn’t stop himself from offering that reassurance I’ve come to rely on him for.

Most likely seeing that his words have had their desired effect, he returns his attention to his laptop. Turning to say goodbye to Hawk, I find him staring out the same window I was, also searching for some hidden threat. Feeling my eyes on him, he returns his gaze to mine. There's something profoundly reassuring in his expression. I can’t quite put a name on the emotion, but it soothes the last of my tattered nerves.

“Be safe,” he says in a deep baritone that makes it sound more like he’s reassuring me Iwillbe safe rather than telling me to be vigilant.

“I will.”

Our eyes hold for a moment longer before I step away, pausing as I pass the kitchen island where Kai is sitting. “See you later, Kai.”

Not waiting for his response, I follow Hadley out of the room.

“Where are we going?” I ask as we exit the house and make our way down the front steps to where her car is parked.


“But you hate shopping.”

“Yeah, but you love it, and this day is about you.”

I’m so grateful that I hug her, even though I know she’s not a hugger. “Thank you,” I murmur against her ear.

* * *

“Ooh, this is cute,”I say, holding up a white, off-the-shoulder sundress.

“It is.” Hadley’s voice holds none of the enthusiasm mine does, and I can’t help but smile. She really does hate shopping. Especially if it’s for clothes. Somehow, I bet she'd be just as enthused as I am if we went knife shopping or hideous boot shopping.

“I can think of at least one person who wouldn’t mind seeing it on their bedroom floor, though.” She smirks, and I blush, casting a cautious eye around the shop to make sure no one can overhear us.

“You realize one of those someones is your brother, right?”

She shrugs a shoulder. “Hard to be too disgusted when he actually seems happy for once.” Her nose wrinkles. “Although that doesn’t mean I need all the gross details.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You mean, you don’t want to know how he does this thing with his tongue—”

“Oh my god!” Hadley squeals, truly horrified. “Emilia, stop! I’m going to vomit.”

I can’t help cackling, enjoying the easy banter, and how normal all of this feels. I’ve missed this more than I even realized.

With the smile still lingering on my lips, I glance at the price tag on the dress. I wince before setting it back on the clothes rack. Letting out a sigh, I turn my back on the clothing. I’d just gotten used to having spare money in my bank account, and now I’m back to being broke. I haven’t been able to touch any of my bank accounts in case my stalker was able to track the money, and I haven’t received my first paycheck yet from Ridgeway. Although, now that I think about it, I don’t see why I can’t use the money in my bank account. It’s not like I’m in hiding anymore. Mel already knows where I am.

I wish I’d double-checked with Kai before I left the house.

“Can I use my bank cards?” I ask Hadley while pushing clothes aside on the rack in front of me.

“Umm. I don’t see why not, but you should probably check with Kai first.”

Sighing, I turn to glance at her over my shoulder. “I should have checked with him—What are you doing?”
