Page 39 of Pretty Vile

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I frown at the stack of clothes in Hadley’s arms, noticing the white dress at the top of the pile. And are those the jeans I picked out earlier? And the pink fluffy cat pajamas with pointy ears and a tail protruding from the butt?

“I can’t afford all that.”

“This is my treat, Em.”

“What? No, Hadley. I’m not letting you do that.”

She cocks a brow, appearing so much like Hawk at the moment. “If my best friend is having a crappy time, and I want to make her feel better by buying her some clothes, then I’m damn well going to do it,” she snarks. “Besides, I’m the one who invited you out today, so it’s only fair that I pay for it.”

“You know that’s not how it works,” I grumble.

She just shrugs, clearly not giving a shit.

“You can fight me on it, but you know it’s a fight you’ll lose, so it’s probably just better for you to give in now and let me buy you whatever I want.”

I purse my lips, hating feeling like a charity case. Although I know that’s not what Hadley’s trying to do. She’s not buying me stuff because she feels sorry for me. When I first met Hadley, we were both scholarship students. She had no idea Hawk was her brother or that she was from a wealthy family. Ever since she found out, she’s hated the money aspect. Won’t spend a dime of it on herself unless she absolutely has to, but she loves to spend it on those she cares about. Over the years, she’s offered to fly me out here countless times. Other than a couple of times when she guilted me into it, I’ve turned her down, and not just because I didn’t want her to pay for me.

Besides, that hasn’t stopped her from spending her money, paying for trips for us elsewhere, and paying for everything when she had come to visit me. If she weren’t still the same old Hadley, I’d probably hate it. However, since spending her money makesherhappy, and we canbothenjoy ourselves, it’s hard to argue.

Which is why I just roll my eyes and continue perusing the shelves.

We go from shop to shop until we’re carrying bags full of more clothes than I could possibly wear in an entire year, and I’m sure Hadley’s bank is beginning to suspect she’s had her card stolen. I’m surprised they haven’t already been on the phone or blocked her card.

“Let’s dump this in the car and grab some food, yeah?”

“Sounds good,” I agree, shaking out my weary legs. It’s been a while since I’ve spent the whole day shopping, and my feet are protesting.

We throw all of the shopping bags in the trunk of Hadley’s car before deciding on an Italian restaurant that’s only a couple of blocks away.

As soon as we walk inside, I know it’s the right choice. It’s busy enough that we should be able to chat without being overheard but not so busy that we won’t notice if Mel makes an appearance. Not that I think she will. She seems to prefer to watch from the shadows. Still, I feel better knowing she won’t be able to hear everything we’re talking about.

A hostess shows us to our seats and hands us a menu, both of us placing our orders when a server arrives.

“So,” Hadley begins when we’re alone. “I actually invited you out today for a reason.”

I raise a brow. “You mean a reason other than to buy me everything I so much as glanced at.”

A smirk appears on one side of her lips. “Yes.”

Her grin widens, although she continues to fiddle with her napkin as though nervous, and I tilt my head, trying to get a read on her. “The guys proposed.”

My jaw drops open, and my eyes widen. “They what?!” My voice reaches a pitch only dogs can hear. “When? How? Oh my god, tell me everything!” I’m practically bouncing in my chair with excitement, making Hadley laugh.

“It was a while ago,” she says, biting down on her bottom lip. “We’d planned to tell all of you at dinner last month, but…” She trails off, and I filter through my memories of that day before it clicks.

“But Wilder threw his hissy fit, and I ran off.” I wince. “I’m sorry, Hadley.”

“No.” She reaches across the table and places her hand over mine. “There was a lot going on. It wasn’t the right time. And I know it still isn’t the right time, but”—she shrugs—“I just really wanted to tell my best friend.”

I sniffle, swiping at the tears in my eyes. “I’m glad you told me. And I’m so happy for you.” She smiles, and it’s warm and genuine. “Does Hawk know?”

She nods. “I told him a couple of weeks ago. I knew Cam wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut around him for too long.”

We both chuckle, and she spends the rest of lunch telling me all about the proposal and their plans for the wedding—not that she seems to have done much of that yet. It’s safe to say Hadley willnotbecome a bridezilla. If anything, someone will have to make sure she truly books things and goes to look at wedding dresses; otherwise, the five of them will end up getting married in jeans and t-shirts in the middle of a field.

Actually, that’s probably exactly what Hadley is hoping will happen.

“… obviously you’ll be my Maid of Honor, so—”
