Page 49 of Pretty Vile

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Holding her gaze, I answer the phone and put it on speaker. “Yeah?”

Kai’s resounding sigh is the only thing I need to hear to know this morning didn’t go as planned.

“We didn’t get her.”

I can’t look away from Emilia as her shoulders drop and her eyes close, needing a moment to collect herself.

“What happened?” I bark, harsher than intended.

“She paid some freshman twenty bucks to deliver the flowers. Claimed it was a game her sorority was playing, where they had to deliver flowers to a teacher they had a crush on, and she didn’t want to get caught.” A moment of silence fills the room while we process what he’s saying. “My guess is she’s been pulling the same scam on other students.”

“So she’s never actually been inside my classroom?” Emilia questions.

“Doesn’t look that way, but she must be lurking nearby to know when you aren’t in the room.”

“What now?” I ask as Emilia rubs at her temple.

“We all go about our day as normal. I’ll keep the team in place, though I doubt we’ll get anything.”

“And what about Mel?” Emilia asks, sounding frustrated.

“We’ll have to devise another plan to get her to reveal herself.”

Emilia blows out a breath as I hang up the phone and pull her in for a hug.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur against her ear.

“It’s not your fault,” she says despondently. She clings to me for several long moments before untangling herself. Despite the sadness in her eyes, her shoulders are pushed back, and she appears more determined. Her ability to shoulder bad news and bounce back astounds me. Most others would crumble, but not Emilia.

She smirks, the tug of her lip drawing my attention. “However, I am holding you to that promise when this is all over.”

My brows furrow as I stare at her in confusion.

“Orgasms for breakfast every morning.”

I chuckle, pulling her back in for a quick kiss. “Deal. And in exchange, you can inhale my cock and lick it clean any time you want, Little Sparrow.”



The flashing red and blue neon lights from the police cars and ambulance dance across the night sky, but I barely register their disturbance. I can hardly even see them over the graphic image so embedded in my mind’s eye that it blocks out everything around me.

All I can see is her white Converse, streaked with blood. Blood that sticks to the soles of my boots, making that tacky sound when you walk on it. The same blood that I can still taste coating my tongue, that is also caked under my fingernails and drying on my skin.

We learned in biology last year that the human body contains approximately five liters of blood. I remember thinking it wasn’t that much. When you weighed it all out, it didn’t seem like enough to circulate around the entire body. But seeing it spread out over the floor tonight, it seemed like far more than five liters. Far more blood than I ever could have imagined one person contained.

How can one tiny, five-foot-two girl have that much blood inside her? It just doesn’t add up.

I pull the gray polyester blanket tighter around my shoulders, but it does nothing to combat the cold that has taken root in my core. A cold so numbing that you know it will never fully go away. A cold so rooted in guilt and remorse that it would readily devour you and leave your frozen remains to be broken down by the elements if you let it.

Something I might just do.

What purpose does my life have now?

She was my everything. My all.

And I let her down. Let her down so completely that there’s no way I should be allowed to go on living. Not without her.
