Page 74 of Pretty Vile

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Bingo. That’s the one.

Vibrating with nervous energy, I slip out of my clothes and into the leather set. Sliding my feet into the black heels I wore on my date with Kai, I turn to face my reflection in the mirror.

I gasp as I stare at the bold, confident woman staring back at me. Gone is the scared, anxious woman who showed up unwanted all those weeks ago, and in her place is someone who finally knows what she wants and is ready to seize it.

Vacant eyes no longer look back at me. Instead, the jade flecks shine with a vibrancy I hardly recognize. It’s been a long time since I came face to face with this version of myself, and I can admit that I fucking missed her.

“Good to have you back,” I murmur to myself before trailing my eyes over my body. I look pretty damn hot, if I do say so myself. The bra fits me perfectly, pushing my tits together and making them look big and perky, and the thong sits high on my hips, elongating my legs.

Part of me wishes I could stride out of my room in just this and knock Hawk on his arrogant ass the second he walks through the door. I’m almost tempted to do just that, but we’re playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Mel, and I don’t want to provoke the beast.

As a compromise, I slip my satin dressing gown on. It falls to mid-thigh, and I tie the belt securely around my waist. Hopefully, should Mel come a-stalking, it will look like I’m planning on taking a bath or turning in for an early night.

Making my way back downstairs, I pull out the lasagna I had cooking in the oven, leaving it to cool on the counter while I top up my wine glass. I’ve just put the bottle back in the fridge when I hear the jiggle of a key in the front door.

Excitement thrums through my veins, my heart picking up speed with every click of Hawk’s shoes growing louder as he approaches.

Spotting me, he stops in the doorway, a weary smile lifting his lips. “Little Sparrow, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“Long day, baby?” I ask, stepping into his open arms and letting him wrap me up in a bone-crushing hug.

“Something like that,” he murmurs, burying his head in my hair and breathing me in. He relaxes with every inhale, melting around me until I’m the only thing holding him upright.

“I made you dinner,” I say softly, stroking a hand through his hair.

Pulling back so he can look me in the eye, he murmurs, “You did?”

I nod, taking a small step back as I bite my bottom lip. “And just in case you weren’t hungry, I also did this…” Slowly, I trail my finger down the middle of my dressing gown, parting it just enough to offer Hawk a glimpse of what lies beneath.

A deep rumble reverberates through Hawk’s chest as he stares, mesmerized, at the slither of skin exposed. "I’m fucking starving, baby," he rumbles in a deep voice, "just not for lasagna."

I smirk at him. With another step backward, his hands fall away, and I tease him with a quick flash of my outfit before securing the tie around my waist.

"Such a fucking tease," he growls, his heated gaze devouring me. "I want to throw you down on that table and fuck your brains out, Little Sparrow." A shiver rolls down my spine, and my breathing hitches. "Take you over and over, so damn hard that the table breaks beneath the pressure. Then fuck you on the broken pieces. The splintered fragments will dig into your skin, and you won’t even feel them because you’ll be so overwhelmed with pleasure."

I hiss between my teeth, rubbing my thighs together to ease the ache. Hawk notices, his gaze dropping as he licks his lips. Indecision wars within him as he flicks his gaze to the window.

Some of the heat fizzles away as reality crashes back in. He might want to do those things, and I undeniably want him to do them, but we can’t. Not here and not now.

As I try to wrangle my hormones under control, Hawk snarls like a rabid dog. “Fuck this shit,” he bites out angrily, stomping over and smacking his hand against the light switch.

We’re plunged into darkness, and we both turn to look out the window, searching. Not catching sight of any movement, Hawk turns on the outside lights, effectively blinding a certain someone.

Some of the light filters in through the window, glancing off Hawk’s chiseled features and highlighting the wicked glint in his eye as he slowly turns to face me. Moving with all the swiftness of a predator, confident his prey is trapped, he steadily approaches.

"Better get that sweet ass of yours up on that table and spread your legs for me before I decide to spank it raw."

His dirty promise elicits another shiver. Nonetheless, choosing to behave myself tonight, I do as he says. Shifting over to the table, I slide onto it with my eyes latched onto Hawk’s hungry stare as he draws near.

I spread my legs so he can step between them, towering over me as I’m forced to tilt my head back and look up at him. His dark gray eyes, swirling with desire, hunger, and something a hell of a lot more meaningful, roam over my face, falling down the column of my neck until he reaches the trim of my gown.

“This has to go,” he says huskily, tugging on the tie until the light satin parts slip from my shoulders and pool on the table.

His gasp floods the silent room, and his rough swallow does crazy things to my libido. I felt sexy when I looked at myself in the mirror earlier, but nothing compares to how I feel beneath Hawk’s covetous gaze. Despite being in a submissive position beneath him, I have never felt more empowered. More emboldened. More desirable.

I feel like a freaking goddess being looked upon by a loyal worshiper, ready to fall to his knees and pray at my feet, offering everything he has for one infinitesimal moment of my love.

The thing is, if I am Hawk’s goddess, then he is my god, because as easily as he’d bow at my feet, I’d also bend to him. This omnipotent god who owns all of me, who challenges me on a daily basis and pushes me to my limits, yet never falters from standing at my side. He’s grumpy and infuriating while also loyal and inspiring. The arrogant, bad-tempered boy I once knew has grown into a strong and domineering man to be both feared and awed.

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