Page 79 of Pretty Vile

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Reaching out, he pulls one nipple into a sharp peak, then the other. Between their ministrations, I’m teetering on the edge, needing more but not knowing what I actually need. I just know it’s something.

“Kai,” I plead desperately.

Brushing his thumbs over my taut nipples, he asks, “Do you need something, Blackbird?”

“Yes,” I moan.

He gives one nipple a harsh pinch that makes me gasp, and Hawk grunts as I clench around him.

“She’s so damn close,” he grunts.

One hand still playing with my tits, Kai’s other one moves between my legs and starts rubbing my clit. It’s exactly what I needed, and immediately, I can feel myself cresting that wave.

“Yes,” I pant. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Kai’s lips surrounding my nipple is my undoing as he sucks it into his mouth, and with my hands in his hair, holding him to me, I scream my release as Hawk coats my inner walls with his cum.

Sated, I sag against Kai, with Hawk at my back, as the three of us catch our breaths and come down from our high.

Eventually, we get cleaned up before collapsing in a heap on the sofa. Snuggled into Kai’s side with a blanket thrown over me and my feet across Hawk’s lap, I finally ask Hawk, "How bad was today?"

He sighs, rubbing his hand over his face. “Bad. The press is slaughtering us.”

“Do you have any idea who leaked the information?”

He shakes his head before glancing at Kai. “I wondered if it might be Mel.”

I tense at the mention of her name, until Kai rubs soothing circles along my arm. Looking up at him, I ask, “What do you think?”

He shrugs. “Hard to know for sure, but definitely something we should be considering. She must be one of only a handful of people who could get past West’s firewalls. If it wasn’t someone inside the company, then she’s the only other viable possibility.”

"West is currently looking into every employee who accessed Compton’s file,” Hawk states, “so we will know for sure soon enough."

I glance up at Kai. “Will you stay and watch a movie with us?” I already know Hawk will be on board. It’s become our standard routine to hide out down here every night and pretend the world outside this room doesn’t exist, however Kai never takes any time off. When he’s not at work, he’s scouring over CCTV footage or trying to dig up information we may have missed on Mel. He never stops; he never gives himself a break, even though he needs the rest more than any of us.

His eyes fall to mine, searching them before he lifts his hand to brush my hair back from my face. His fingers linger, as though he can’t physically bring himself to break the contact between us, and there’s a softness in his eyes that I haven’t seen in a while. “Yeah, Blackbird. I will.”



The front door slams shut behind me, but it’s drowned out by that damn reporter’s voice in my ear.

Randall Compton… murdered.



I pull my hair out as I storm down the street with no clue where the hell I’m going, just that I needed to get out of that goddamn house before Hawk got home. I can’t stand there and look him in the eye after what I did.

Not until I have some answers.

I mean, it’s possible that the dude’s death had nothing to do with me. He was a politician, for crying out loud. I bet he had a list a mile long of people who wanted to kill him. Just because I stole his file and the police are pinning the blame on Nocturnal Enterprises doesn’t mean that I stole what allowed the killer to one-up Hawk’s men.

Yeah, you tell yourself that, buddy,my inner voice unhelpfully pipes up.

Shut the fuck up,I yell right back.This can’t be on me. Robbie said they wouldn’t even use the information.
