Page 98 of Pretty Vile

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My brows tug down in a frown. “That doesn’t seem fair.”

He gives an easy shrug. “Sparrow, we’ve been waiting for this day. We knew we’d have to get our hands dirty. We know what needs to be done, and we’re more than happy to do it.” He waits until he can see the acceptance in my eyes before giving me a nudge toward the door. “Go shower.”

I’m halfway across the room when a sound out in the hall has all of us freezing in place. In the time it takes to blink, Kai is standing in front of me, the gun back in his hand, as Hawk pulls me backward.

Footsteps thunder toward us, and I have to lean to the side to see around Kai as a shadow fills the doorway.

“Fucking hell, Wilder,” Kai berates. “You nearly got yourself shot.”

Wilder shuffles further into the room, dressed in nothing but a white hospital gown and the lime green sneakers he was wearing earlier, a murderous expression directed at Kai. There’s a white bandage across one side of his jaw and bruising along his nose from our earlier altercation. The rest of his injuries are hidden, but his pinched expression and hunched form give away the pain he’s experiencing.

“Well, maybe if you hadn’t abandoned me at the hospital… Do you have any idea how fucking cold it is out there? My balls are never going to climb down from inside of me, and it’s allyourfault!”

Kai rolls his eyes.

“I had to get in a fucking taxi with my ass hanging out.”

He turns around so we can see the flaps of his hospital gown hanging open, his white ass on display for the world to see. Immediately, all three of us break down in another fit of laughter, Kai wolf whistling while Hawk hoots.

Wilder practically vibrates with rage as he turns back around, glaring at each of us.

“You were passed out,” Kai says when he’s stopped chuckling.

“How did you even pay for the taxi?” Hawk questions.

“The nice nurse had a bag with my belongings in it.” He scowls. “Although they apparently tossed all my clothes.”

“Well, they weren’t exactly wearable,” Hawk drawls. “What with your tee being half shredded and your jeans stained with enough blood to make you look like a serial killer.”

“I’d take that overthisany day.” Eyes still hissing fire, Wilder’s gaze drifts to Mel, his mouth dropping open. “Did you kill her without me?!”

His accusing stare meets each of us. “You were in thehospital,” Kai attempts to reason. “Where you should still be, by the way.”

Ignoring Kai while he stares longingly at Mel’s dead body, Wilder huffs out a breath.

“It’s not like we planned on killing her,” Hawk reasons, waving at his face. “We were sorta ambushed. We were lucky Kai got here in time.”

I’m not sure if it’s his words or the tendril of fear in his voice, but Wilder’s gaze shoots to me, penetrating so deeply that I swear he can see all the way to my soul.

“I’m fine,” I reassure him. Still, he doesn’t stop his perusal until he’s satisfied I’m telling the truth.

"Since you’re well enough to discharge yourself from the hospital, you can help us cart her downstairs,” Kai tells him, jerking his thumb over his shoulder toward Mel.

They all surround Mel, with Hawk hooking his arms under hers while Kai takes her feet, hauling her off the floor. Wilder and I lead the way toward the stairs. However, when I start climbing them, intent on heading for that shower, Wilder speaks up. “Where are you going?”

“To shower.”

He immediately follows me up the stairs, abandoning any thought of assisting Hawk and Kai.

“Where the hell are you going?” Hawk growls at him, shifting Mel’s dead weight in his arms.

“One of us should stay with her.”

It’s the first time Wilder has sounded genuinely concerned about me, and despite the complicated existence of our relationship, hope blooms in my chest. Before an argument can commence, I reach out to touch Wilder’s arm. “I’ll be fine.”


“You heard the woman. She’ll be fine,” Hawk snaps, his tone non-negotiable.
