Page 43 of Cease and Desist

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“That’s fine,” Hawk said. “Just spit it out, Dragan. She needs to hear this.”

She shot Hawk a grateful look. He understood her need for information.

“Okay. My understanding is that under normal circumstances, your grandfather would have brought you into the fold before he died. Introduced you to everyone as his successor. Once that happened, you would be the member of the founding family on the board. He would cease to have protection after that, and it would switch to you.

“Because that didn’t happen…” Dragan paused again. “Because that didn’t happen, your grandfather’s token is up for grabs. Anyone who finds it gets to be on the board.”

“Shit.” Remy damn near dropped her mug of tea. “That means…” She cleared her throat. “That means it’s open season on me. No wonder everyone is in a mad rush to find the token. It sounds like it’s the holy grail of tokens.”

“Dragan, any chance you can delay your trip?” Hawk asked. “I think I might need some help with this.”

“I wish I could. I’m on my way to Italy. I’ll make it as quick a trip as possible, but I have to go. You’ll be fine. Call Gage or Mitch if you need backup. Hell, call Logan in a pinch. He’s a damn fine shot.”

Remy’s stomach rolled. Shooting? Jesus, would people be shooting at her? Did she need to wear body armor? This was getting seriously out of control.

“There’s one more thing,” Dragan said. “One of the reasons there’s such a push to find the token is, apparently, there’s a board meeting the day after tomorrow. It’s going to happen behind the scenes at some big shindig at a museum or something. It’s a charity thing that they’re using for cover. Whoever has the token will be recognized as the new board member then.”

“That doesn’t give us much time.” Hawk ran a hand through his hair.

“What if no one finds the token? Then what happens?”

Dragan coughed. “My understanding is that the board seat remains empty until the next meeting, which could be a couple of months out.”

“That’s not good.” Hawk let out a long breath.

“Why?” Remy was totally confused. “Why isn’t it good?”

Hawk drummed his fingers on the desk. “Because it means it will be a free-for-all until the seat is filled. If someone finds the token after the first meeting, they have to keep their mouth shut about it and stay hidden until the next board meeting. Otherwise, someone else will try to take it from them, most likely killing them in the process. People will assume you have it.”

Remy couldn’t get her brain around it. How could this token thing be so important? “What makes this Lock and Key Society so fucking important that people are willing to kill to be admitted?”

There was only silence and then some muffled sounds coming from the phone. Dragan said, “I have to run.”

“Dragan, one more quick question.” Remy was surprised her voice sounded even. She was shaking on the inside. “What stops people from killing the token holders? I mean, the regular token holders, not the board members. Why aren’t they dropping like flies if all you have to do is possess the token to be a member?”

“I think they do get killed, but I think more often the token is just stolen. I would imagine someone steals it, and then someone else steals it back. But the real answer to your question is secrecy. No one ever admits to being a member of the society and having a token. Only members of the society are allowed through the doors so everyone on the inside has a token. The board members are a separate group but either way, it is forbidden to talk about the society.”

“Then why did this guy talk to you?” she asked. “Is he a member?”

There was another long pause. “Let’s just say I can be persuasive.”

She frowned. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but Hawk shook his head at her.

“Thanks, Dragan. This is all good information. Good luck in Italy. Let me know when you hit town again.”

“Will do. Be safe.” And then Dragan was gone.

“Why didn’t you let me ask him about his source? It would be nice to know how much of this is true.”

“Because he was trying to protect you from the truth.”

“What truth?” she demanded.

“Dragan found someone with an ax to grind with Archer Gray and had some knowledge of the society. Dragan probably threatened to kill him. Or do him grievous bodily harm. It would have taken a lot to get the words flowing.”

Remy’s stomach rolled as nausea struck in full force. “You mean he hurt someone to find out the stuff he told us?”

“He did what was necessary.” Hawk’s arms were crossed over his chest. “Sometimes life isn’t so pretty. To answer your other question, it’s just a guess, but from what Dragan has said and Gus’s observations, I think the Lock and Key Society is a safe haven. Meaning, if you have a token, you’re protected once you’re there. No one can kill you or arrest you. No one can do anything to you that you don’t want to happen. You can meet whoever you want in total secrecy. Think of it like the ultimate luxury hotel. My theory is they can bring you whatever you want. Make anything happen for you. Take care of every need imaginable.”
