Page 61 of Cease and Desist

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The room was silent for a beat. Then Hawk said in a quiet voice, “Remy, we’re all doing this because you’re in trouble. You are…fearless and brave and sassy and smart, but you wouldn’t last a minute out there on your own. You’re not trained for this type of thing. We are. All of us, in our own way, are trained for exactly this type of thing. If something happened to you and we didn’t help you, none ofuscould live with that. You need the type of help that the people in this room are skilled at providing. Just accept what we’re offering and say thank you because we’re going to help you whether you want it or not. Our consciences wouldn’t let us do otherwise.”

Remy swallowed the lump building in her throat. She wanted to crawl into Hawk’s lap and throw her arms around his neck. That was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. It wasn’t praise or compliments; it was an admission that she still had family of a sort. That she mattered. That was what going to get the handkerchief had been about: still mattering to someone or something.

“I—I don’t know what to say,” she murmured.

“What Hawk said is all true. Just say ‘thanks’ and stop worrying. We’re gonna get you through this.” Gage sent her a smile.

She nodded and took a rather large sip of the spiked tea.

Lacy smiled at Remy then turned to Alex. “So, we can get the iris scan and the prints, but Alex, how do you see it working to get the biometric wallet?”

“It’s going to be tricky,” she said. “I think some of it will have to be determined onsite. We just don’t have enough intel yet, but I think we’re all gonna need to be there. I’ll steal the wallet, but Lacy, you and Dani are going to have to work the magic on it.

“Piece of cake,” Dani said.

Gage piped up. “Mitch, you and Logan and I are going to have to keep our eyes open and give the women updates on the room. Hawk, you’re gonna hang with Remy to keep her safe. If someone thinks she still has the key, they might take a run at her.”

Hawk nodded. “I think that sounds like a good plan. Is Dragan back yet?”

Mitch shook his head. “Soon. What are you thinking?”

“He might be the way into the room. Chances are excellent that Archer Gray isn’t going to want to let everyone into the room. He’s going to let the board members in and whoever can show him the key. Dragan might make it easier for us to get entry. Nothing like your top frenemy showing up at the door to pique your interest.”

“It’s a thought,” Gage agreed. “If he’s back, we’ll do it.”

Remy sighed. “How do you think these people who are after the key know about it? I thought this society or club or whatever was supposed to be a secret.”

“It is a secret. Ninety-nine percent of the world knows nothing about it,” Hawk pointed out. “Your great-grandfather helped found it, and you knew nothing about it. So, it’s a secret, but there are always rumors. Little hints of its existence here and there. Dragan managed to dig up information on it. Connor had heard of it. No one but the members know the details, and few outsiders know of its existence. So to answer your question, I think the people after the key are one of the very few who know of the society’s existence or, more likely, are already members.”

Logan cocked his head. “You think they want Remy’s key specifically so they can be on the board and be involved in wielding the power of the society.”

Hawk nodded. “I think people are ambitious. Why settle for just being a member when you can be on the board?”

“Makes sense, I guess.” Remy leaned forward and put her empty mug on the coffee table. “That means they have a much better chance of getting in the door than I do unless it truly is just a board meeting.”

“True,” Gage agreed. “We’re all going to have to be extra careful on this one. There are still a lot of unknowns and anything can happen.”

Remy’s stomach rolled.No truer words. Six months ago, she’d been working as a librarian and her grandfather was still alive. Now she was involved with a secret society and people wanted her dead. Life could change on a dime.

“I can’t thank you guys enough. Seriously, you are…saving my life, and I truly appreciate it. Logan, please draw up an invoice so I can pay you for your services. My grandfather left me more money than I know what to do with. I would like to put it to good use. Saving my ass seems like a good use of the funds.”

Logan grinned. “I’ll work something up.”

“You know what we’re going to need?” Lacy said.

“What?” Remy frowned.

“Gowns and tuxedos. If we’re all going to go, we all need the appropriate attire.” A slow smile crossed her face. “I think we’ll have to do some shopping.”

Remy’s heart lightened. “That sounds like fun. I need some fun. We’ll have to go tomorrow first thing.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Hawk growled.

She shot him a glance and was about to argue, but the reality of the situation made her stop. He was right. She couldn’t risk her life and the lives of those around her because she wanted to cheer herself up. For all she knew, the Asian gang and the other group Connor mentioned were still looking for her. They didn’t know she no longer had the token.

She turned to Lacy. “I guess you will have to pick something out for me.”

“Nonsense. I will have a selection of gowns and shoes brought over. We’ll try them all on and see what we can come up with.”
