Page 66 of Cease and Desist

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Remy blinked. “Well, I hadn’t really thought about an exact role. I don’t even know what the plan is yet really.”

“Right.” Alex looked her over for a second and then drained her mug and went back for a second cup. “As chief thief around here, I have some ideas. The guys think Najeddine will use this biometric wallet, and we’re prepared for that, but in my experience, no one at his level in terms of work and accomplishment would walk into that party without some kind of backup. He’s not a stupid man. He advises part of the Moroccan royal family. He’s on his game.”

Remy frowned. “Two things. One, do you have a clue what his plan might be? Two, what is your experience exactly? What is a ‘chief thief’?”

Alex burst out laughing. “That’s a fair question. I’m what I like to refer to as an Asset Repossession Specialist Extraordinaire.”

Remy cocked an eyebrow. “You’re an ARSE?”

Lacy spit out her coffee all over the counter and broke out into gales of laughter. She laughed so hard she had tears running down her face.

“It’s not that funny,” Alex snarled, hands on hips. Then she relented. “Okay, maybe it’s a bit funny.”

Lacy finally got herself under control. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been telling her that she can’t use that title because everyone thinks ARSE, but she always argues with me, but you just proved my point.”

“Fine,” Alex said, “I will call myself something else.”

“What exactly does an Asset Repossession Specialist do?” Remy asked as she pulled herself up onto the opposite counter next to the stove.

“I’m a master thief,” Alex said proudly. “I steal things back for people who lost them somehow. Mostly for women.” She paused. “It’s a long story, but that’s really what it boils down to.”

Remy took a sip of her coffee and swallowed. “So, with your experience as a thief, you think Najeddine will have a backup plan of some kind?”

Alex nodded. “I would.”

“But what does that mean?”

Lacy also pulled herself up onto the counter. “That’s the million-dollar question. He could do anything.”

“So, what should we do to prepare?” Remy asked.

Alex sighed. “That’s the hard part. It’s going to be one of those situations where we just have to go with it and improvise on the fly.”

“I’m not a huge fan of improvising,” Remy admitted.

“Unfortunately, that’s part of the game when you’re in the thievery business.” Alex tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder and stretched her arms above her head. “The plan we have so far is for you to help distract Najeddine since he’s going to be focused on you anyway, while I cause a diversion and make a play for the wallet.”

“Don’t you think that might be a bit obvious? Not to criticize or anything,” Remy said quickly, “but won’t he be expecting it?”

“That is the difficulty, yes.” Lacy let out a big sigh. “Alex is going to have to be very fast. She needs to be gone before Najeddine puts two and two together.”

“Still, it seems risky.” Remy put her mug down on the counter. “What happens if he catches you?”

“That’s another big unknown,” Alex agreed.

Remy shook her head. “I don’t like this. Is there anything else we can do?”

Alex shrugged. “We can be prepared. With all of us at the party, maybe we can find the right opportunity to get the wallet with Najeddine none the wiser. Or, at the very least, get the wallet. From there, we can deal with the next hurdle, which is keeping you safe until the meeting begins.”

“So, then what can I do to be prepared? I want to help,” Remy stated firmly.

Alex narrowed her eyes. “Hmmm. Let me see your hands.”

* * *

Remy checked her look once more in the mirror. Any other time, she’d be thrilled to be wearing this dress. The floor length-affair with a slit almost to her hip bone in a soft purplish-gray fabric hung perfectly off her curves. The halter neckline emphasized her chest and showed an almost embarrassing amount of cleavage. She couldn’t remember any other time when she showed this must skin. Her hair curled in loose waves around her shoulders.

She checked her makeup. More intense than she usually did it, but it suited the gown. She had chosen a smoky gray-purple eye shadow and used it to line the underside of her eye as well. It was the perfect smoky look that made her eyes seem huge and brought out their distinctive color.
