Page 71 of Cease and Desist

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“…needs change,” he said. “If it doesn’t change, then it doesn’t serve the needs of its community. I want to direct that change. Being on the board makes that a reality.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “So, it’s all for the good of the society, is that what you’re saying? Somehow, I don’t believe that.”

“I’m not convincing you of my altruistic nature?”

She snorted. “No. Sorry. I’m not buying it. You strike me as a lot of things, but altruistic is not one of them.” She flashed him a charming smile. “I think you are more intelligent than that. I think you have your eye on something specific.”

He chuckled and pulled her in closer as if he was going to share a secret. “I think you’re trying to manipulate me.”

She gave him a coy smile. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.” There was no point in lying. She was already losing Najeddine. She glanced over at Lacy, who shook her head. It wasn’t time yet. Shit. Alex wasn’t in place.

“Seriously, Asad,” she said and shifted slightly so her breasts rubbed against Najeddine’s arm, “what is the power of the society? As you pointed out, my grandfather didn’t tell me anything. I’m completely in the dark.”

Najeddine hadn’t missed the use of his first name or the fact that her breasts had touched him. He glanced down at them and then back at her face. “It’s too bad we are enemies. I think we could have a lot of fun together otherwise.”

“Do we have to be enemies?” she asked in a soft voice. “Maybe we could be friends.” It took everything she had to utter that statement without gagging.

The sound of someone tapping a microphone caught her attention, and she looked up at the stage. It was time for the speeches. She glanced around looking for Alex. She spied her making her way across the room with a tray of champagne. Soon this part will be over.Thank God!

“We’ve got a problem,” Hawk’s voice sounded in her ear. “The blond man just exchanged looks with Najeddine. A small nod. They are working together.”

“Shit. Do you think the blond man has the key?” Logan asked.

“I can’t tell,” was Hawk’s response.

Remy knew instinctively that Najeddine would never let someone else hold the key. His ego wouldn’t let him. She cleared her throat. “I’m always amazed at the amount of money these types of things raise. It’s almost as ifnoone says ‘no’.” She tried to emphasize the no’s enough that Hawk and everyone else could pick up on what she was saying without alerting Najeddine.

Alex was still working the room, but she was moving more slowly now.

“I think Remy is saying she thinks Najeddine has it.”

“Then what’s the blond guy doing?” Mitch asked.

Hawk briefly popped into Remy’s line of sight and then disappeared again. “If Remy is right and Najeddine has the key, then the blond is the decoy. The guy Najeddine set up to look like he has the key, makinghimthe target.”

Gage commented, “Agreed. The nod was pretty obvious if you were looking for it. I think that’s Najeddine’s play.”

“I agree with Remy.” Dani’s voice came through the earbud. Remy had almost forgotten she was there. Dani continued. “Najeddine won’t trust anyone else with it.”

“So, what do we do now?” Lacy asked.

The applause sounded, and people went back to chatting and drinking champagne. The speeches were much shorter than they’d anticipated. They’d missed the window.Shit. Shit. Shit.Now the place would start to empty out.

“Get Najeddine over by the blond guy,” Alex directed. “I have an idea. Remy, you’re going to have to put your newfound talent to work.”

Hawk’s voice cut through the din. “What newfound talent?”


Hawk was trying to keep one eye on Remy and the other on Chan. It wasn’t working. Now they were talking about changing the plan. He didn’t like it. Not one bit. All his senses were on high alert. Chan’s men were circling Remy and Najeddine. Najeddine’s men were now closing ranks. It all looked like it might go south.

Hawk started across the room, but then a loud voice said, “Well, now, I’ve got to go to meetin’. Y’all enjoy the rest of your evenin’.” Austin Davis stepped away from the crowd he’d been talking to. Hawk’s gaze locked with Remy. Was Austin Davis in the Lock and Key Society? Was he on the board?

Remy turned to Najeddine. “Asad,” she purred, and Hawk’s stomach knotted. He wanted to kill Najeddine just because Remy said his name in that voice. She continued. “Is Austin Davis a member of the society?”

Najeddine smiled down at her. “You know, I can’t answer any questions about the society. It’s against the rules.”

“Hypothetically speaking then… There could be other members just like you who want the key so they can be on the board. Could Austin Davis be one of those people?”
