Page 72 of Cease and Desist

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“I don’t care how many others are looking for the key because I have it, but hypothetically speaking, Austin would not be among them.”

She frowned. “Why not?”

It was a good question. Hawk was wondering the same thing. Why wouldn’t Davis want the key? He was a definite power monger. Two minutes of listening to any interview with him and it was obvious.

Najeddine stayed silent and just smiled at Remy.

What? Then it clicked. Hawk said, “Davis already has a seat on the board,” He’d been thinking he was behind the third group that were after the key. The one Connor had mentioned but if he was already on the board, then that couldn’t be the case. Remy repeated aloud what Hawk had said into the earbud.

Najeddine ignored her statement. “Well, my dear, it has been so interesting speaking with you,” He looked down at Remy’s chest one more time. “But I must run off to the meeting.”

Hawk still wanted to kill the guy. Every time he looked at Remy’s chest, Hawk felt a strong urge to punch something.

“Wait,” she said. “I have a couple more questions.” She leaned in a bit and brushed him with her breasts again. “Just a few. Promise.” She gave him a huge smile.

Hawk was grinding his teeth. This was so painful to watch and listen to.

Remy was slowly moving Najeddine over toward the stairs to the upper level, where the blond man was standing at the bottom.

“I guess I can be a few minutes late.” He smiled back and glanced down at her boobs.

“What kind of danger am I in?”


Najeddine stared at her. “That’s a rather bold and loaded question.”

Where the hell was Alex? They were almost at the stairs. The blond man was there waiting. She glanced around the room. It seemed to be emptying out. She didn’t see the Asian men, but Najeddine’s guys were moving in.

“It’s my life. It seems now might be the time to be bold.”

He nodded. “I regret to tell you that you are in a fair bit of danger. You see, as a legacy member, you can still ask for, and possibly receive a token, even if you don’t have the key. The board would vote on such things. I’m unsure how that vote would go but…” He smiled at her again, which was more like a wolf baring its teeth. “My guess is they would let you in, so to the key holder, you will always be a threat. You have a legitimate claim to that seat at the table. Should the key holder do anything outside the rules, you can challengehimand claim the seat. It is most unfortunate that your time on earth seems to be rather limited.” He looked up and nodded to one of his men.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash. Alex dropped a tray of champagne on the blond man who was now only a few feet away. “I am so sorry, sir,” she said as she tried to dry him off.

Remy’s heart double-timed in her chest and sweat broke out across her back. It was now or never. Najeddine turned to look. Remy said a small prayer and braced herself before she was shoved from behind and pushed into Najeddine’s chest.

“Seriously,” a voice said. “You stop fussing with this man.” The man who appeared to be the head waiter hurried over. Logan was unrecognizable. He wore the vest of his tux, but he had huge glasses, and he was using some weird accent.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” Alex said again.

Remy reached into Najeddine’s breast pocket and quickly pulled out the wallet. She brought it down to her side as she straightened up again. She was holding her breath.Please don’t let him notice.

Logan hissed, “Back to the kitchen,” at Alex, who then brushed by Remy and took the wallet with her. “I am so sorry, sir.” Logan said again as he brushed at the blond man’s suit. The blond man pushed him off and glared.

Logan bowed and disappeared back into the crowd as another man appeared with a broom and a dustpan to pick up the glass.

“Well, thank you for being honest with me,” Remy said, her heart still pounding against her sternum. She started to step away from him, but he grabbed her arm. Her stomach clenched. She needed to get away before he found out the wallet was gone.

“Suddenly, you’re in such a rush to go. Why is that?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Forgive me, but you’ve just told me that I could be a threat to you, so I don’t think there’s a need to stay here and see if you decide to act on it.”

He smiled his wolfish grin and then tugged her close. “Until we meet again.” He raised her hand and kissed it once more.

She pulled away from him and went back through the thinning crowd. Where the hell were the bathrooms?

“Go straight, and the ladies’ room door is on the left.” Lacy’s voice sounded in her ear. “I’m right behind you.”

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