Page 75 of Cease and Desist

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Hawk’s breath hitched in his chest. She sure as hell wasn’t going alone. “Fine, but I’m going with you.”

“They aren’t going to let you in,” Mitch said.

“I can’t let her go on her own.” It didn’t matter if he wasn’t welcome. He wasn’t leaving her to the wolves.

Mitch eyed him and then nodded. “Okay then. We’ll all go—"

“You can’t.” Hawk cut him off. “If we show up en masse, it will be seen as hostile. If I show up, I look like her date, or at least less hostile.”

Gage nodded. “He’s got a point.” He glanced around. “Keep your earbuds in, and we’ll stay close. Yell if there’s trouble, and we’ll get there as fast as we can.”

Hawk nodded. He looked at Remy. “Ready?”

She gave a single nod, but Lacy grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You’ve got this,” she said.

Remy gave her a brief smile, then turned and headed for the door.

Hawk came up beside her. “Do whatever I tell you, when I tell you. Do not hesitate.”

“Got it.”

“We’ll discuss your pickpocketing escapade later.” He said it so she’d get mad. Mad was better than scared. Anger provided energy. Fear drained energy. At least, that was what worked for him.

She shot him a glare as she pulled open the door.

“Hawk,” Lacy called and tossed him the wallet. He put it in his pocket and then followed Lacy through the door. She was already a good twenty feet ahead. He was about to call to her when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. His spine tingled, and his hair stood up. “Get down,” he ordered.

To her credit, she dropped like a stone, and the knife that came out of the darkness on the left hit the wall. Then the four Asian men emerged. Hawk pulled the gun that Alex had dropped off to him earlier.

He pointed in the general direction of the men. When they started separating, he said, “Don’t fucking move.” He didn’t have a silencer this time, so it would make an awful boom, but he was prepared to pull the trigger.

The door opened behind him. “We got your back,” Mitch said, and he came to a stop beside Hawk. Gage was on his other side along with Logan.

“Remy, stand up and go to the wall,” Hawk instructed.

Mitch and his brothers moved forward and frisked the men, taking various guns and knives off them. Then they turned them around and walked them back down the hall and out the door. “Good luck,” Mitch said as he went by.

Hawk nodded and then went to Remy. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She sucked in oxygen like she’d been holding her breath. She leaned against him for a second. “Sorry. It’s just a bit overwhelming.”

He wanted to take her in his arms and get the fuck out of there, but Najeddine’s words haunted him. If she didn’t claim her seat on the board, she would always be in danger. Looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life was no way to live. His heart hurt for her. A fierce fire of protectiveness ran through his veins.

She straightened up. “Let’s go.”

He nodded. They took another few steps down the hallway before a gun was stuck in Hawk’s ribs. He froze. He’d had no warning sign. How could this have happened? He looked over at Remy who stopped and looked at him.

“What?” she asked.

Of all the times for him to lose his sixth sense. He closed his eyes and tried to see what he’d missed. Nope. He wasn’t getting anything.

“I am sorry, Mr. Hawkins, but as I said, I am inneedof the key.” Mr. Chan’s voice echoed around them.

As Remy looked over his shoulder, her eyes got big. She looked back at Hawk, and their gazes locked. He tried to tell her how sorry he was with his eyes, but she just seemed confused.

Hawk turned around, and Chan pulled Hawk’s gun out of his waistband. He moved to put Remy behind him. “You’re already a member then.”

He hesitated. “I used to be. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my membership.”
