Page 76 of Cease and Desist

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“I see. So, you need the key so you can not only be a member again but be on the board.” Was that a flash of movement he saw? A shadow of some kind? He moved to his left, keeping Remy behind him. Chan moved across from Hawk in the hallway, far enough away that Hawk couldn’t strike, but close enough so Chan couldn’t miss.

“Yes, it would provide me membership again, but more. Only board members are protected to the degree I need protection. There is much they offer. I cannot divulge anymore. You understand.”

He waved the gun slightly. “The key please.”

Hawk didn’t move. He wasn’t going down without a fight. He glanced over Chan’s shoulder. Definitely movement that time. Friend or foe?

“I appreciate that you want to protect your lady friend, but there is no need for you to die this evening. Give me the key, and I promise I will not harm Ms. Tanger.”

“Unfortunately, there are others who will still see her as a threat, as someone who can still claim the seat.”

Chan gave a small shrug. “If that situation arises, then I am already dead and cannot help you.” His face hardened. “The key.”

Hawk still didn’t move. Out of the corner of his eye, a shadow detached itself from the wall.

Chan raised the gun.

“Hawk,” Remy said. Her voice trembled.

He reached back, and she gave him her hand. He squeezed it. He wanted to make sure she knew he was okay, but more. He needed to know exactly where she was in case this all went south.

“Now, Mr. Hawkins.” Chan put his finger on the trigger.

A quick flash as the light reflected off another gun, Dragan brought it down on Chan’s head. Chan slumped to the floor.

“Sorry it took so long,” Dragan said as he checked Chan’s pockets. “I wanted to make sure there was no one else lurking in the shadows.” He handed Hawk back his gun.

“Dragan,” Remy gasped, relief pouring off her. “Thank you.”

Dragan nodded. “Thank Hawk. He kept the man talking. He also positioned him to make it easier for me.”

Remy immediately curled under Hawk’s arm. He gave her a quick squeeze and let her go. No more distractions. If it hadn’t been for Dragan, they both might be dead.

“You ready to go to the meeting?” Dragan asked.

Remy shot a glance at Hawk. He thought he saw hurt on her face, but he wasn’t sure.

She smiled at Dragan. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Then follow me.” Dragan moved quickly down the hallway. Remy followed, and Hawk brought up the rear. He kept his eyes open for any dangers. They came to what looked like a dead end. Hawk studied the wall ahead of them. There, in the corner near the ceiling, the logo just like at Remy’s shop.

Remy looked around. “Is this another secret room?”

Dragan nodded.

“How do you know about this?” she asked.

He just gave her an enigmatic smile and then reached over and pulled the statue on the left. The door, which was more like a panel, slid into the wall. Beyond was a room full of people. He gestured for her to enter. Remy stepped inside, and Hawk followed. Dragan slid in as well, and then the door closed behind them.

The room was like any other room in the museum. It was filled with artwork on the walls, paintings by famous artists, and a few sculptures in the corners, but there was also a long table in the middle with twelve chairs around it.

On the right side of the room was another table laden with food. On the left side, a bar. People mingled and chatted. It was a cocktail party like any other.

Archer Gray froze when he noticed them by the doorway. Then he made his way over to them. Gray addressed Hawk’s friend first. “Dragan Maric, it’s been a while.

“Archer,” Dragan said and inclined his head slightly.

“Ms. Tanger, Mr. Hawkins. May I ask how all of you got in here? It is most unusual.” He nodded to two rather large men who came over and searched the three, taking Hawk’s and Dragan’s guns and all three sets of earbuds.
