Page 75 of Dancing & Drama

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“Try again,” Nash replied, his hands possessively running along my sides.

“You know, I could take a nap. Always a great reward.”

“I can think of something better,” Yuri purred, stalking closer. It was then that King seemed to finally come back to himself.

He glanced at River, then me, tears running down his face before River pulled him close and kissed him gently.

When he pulled away, King’s gaze met mine. There was love, excitement, and a bit of fear in his eyes. None of us knew how to do any of this, but we weren’t alone.

“Nest. Now,” Nash growled. He picked me up as I burst out laughing, and Yuri wasn’t far behind us. River and King separated and scrambled to keep up.

We spent the night wrapped up together, losing ourselves in each other and our future.

Tomorrow, we would share the news with everyone, but tonight… Tonight was for us, and I couldn’t be happier. I’d fought so hard and gotten my happily ever after with not one, butfouralphas.

I couldn’t wait to see what else the future had in store for us.

* * *


Pregnancy with four alphas had been a mess, but parenting with them was amazing. Unlike other omegas, I didn’t have to worry about teetering on the edge of sleeplessness and losing my mind while I healed and navigated being a new mom.

Right now, my sweet baby boy was snuggled into my arms while Nash and Yuri made us dinner. River and King were making a supply run, one of the few times they’d really left the house during these first few weeks.

Yuri had hired extra help for the club, so he could manage all of his other businesses from home. It was strange to see him wearing sweatpants more than suits, but I loved having him close.

River had temporarily quit bartending to stay home with me and the baby, but with the way they mooned over our son, I was unsure how temporary it would be. They were already so in love with Killian, like we all were.

King was working from home as well since Yuri had converted an extra room into an office space for King to use whenever he needed. The house was easily becoming our pack house, not just Yuri and River’s.

Nash was in full papa bear mode. He would hear one grunt of protest from Killian and would be there in a second. And since I was breastfeeding and diabetic, he’d made himself my personal chef to ensure I kept up supply and my blood sugar. Nona had also made it her personal goal to feed us daily, and carbs were her favorite offering, something I refused to let Nash put a stop to. I had a feeling she’d whoop his ass for protesting, so the guys made it a point to eat everything I couldn’t.

It was strange to feel so cared for after everything that had happened in the year leading up to all this, but I’d finally found a way to live my life without worry as my constant companion. I’d found a pack I loved, and I’d gotten my parents back.

Sam, of course, was still missing. She hadn’t bothered to call or check in, and Dad predicted that once the money she’d stolen from me ran out, she’d come crawling back, tail between her legs. He’d been mad enough to want me to compile evidence and hire a lawyer, but I refused.

She’d hurt me, but I didn’t want to waste my energy on her anymore. I was ready to move on and leave her exactly where she should stay, in the past.

“He’s awake,” I called out to the others as my sweet boy blinked up at me with the prettiest green eyes I’d ever seen. Between his shock of red hair and petite frame, the guys called him my little clone.

“Good, because Hazel just texted me. They’re on their way now. Apparently, she was having baby withdrawal,” Nash called out from the kitchen.

“Prepare yourselves. Teagan comes back in the morning. She’ll be here every day,” I countered with a chuckle. She’d only been able to hold him a handful of times before work called her back on the road, but she checked in every day.

“Just like Auntie Eliza,” Yuri cooed as he took Killian from my arms. The little giggles that filled the air were one of the best sounds I’d ever heard.

Eventually, I’d have to figure out what I wanted to do with dancing, but that was a problem for many months down the road. For now, I was content being surrounded by my pack, my besties, my family, and my sweet baby boy.

The End
