Page 12 of Paw or Less

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“I have your number. I’ll let you know,” she called back to him, and with that, she got into the cab.

What the hell just happened?Mars thought as he watched the cab drive away with his fated mate inside it. No woman had ever turned down a sure second date with Mars Casey. Except for his fated mate.

Instead of hailing a cab, Mars decided to walk home. God knew he needed to clear his head. As he walked, his apprehension and worry dissolved. Mars was used to getting what he wanted. Besides, Rhiannon was his fated mate. There was no way she’d be able to stay away from him for too long.

Now that he had met her, something inside Mars had untwisted. Suddenly, he was seeing a world where Rhiannon fit in perfectly. A world where he had settled down with his mate. A world where his days of being a bachelor were over.

He had never had a problem being single. In fact, Mars had enjoyed it, but that had all changed the minute he met Rhiannon.

Mars thought back to every tryst he had in the past. They paled in comparison to the relationship he could have with Rhiannon. The relationship he would have with her. Because he could not imagine his life without her in it.

How can you feel like this after spending one evening with her?An overly rational voice in his head chastised him.

How could I not feel this way? She is my mate. The woman chosen for me by fate.Mars argued back.

He was not sure how Rhiannon would fit into his life. They might be mates, but they were very different.

Her life was governed by ethics, and his was governed by money.

But it didn’t matter. Because he would make it work.

Mars did not know how, but he would make it work.



The shelter project was going to drive her mad, Rhiannon realized. She looked around her with dazed eyes and groaned at the mountains of paperwork that threatened to consume her.

Sometimes she could not believe how she came home from working fourteen-hour days only to dive straight into working on the shelter project.

Today had been a particularly difficult one. It was a Saturday, and she was supposed to be off. But instead, she had spent most of her day calling up other pro bono lawyers who might be able to take up a few of the cases for her. She’d had very little luck so far.

Now she had three extra cases on her roster, but deep down, Rhiannon didn’t mind. Everyone deserved a good lawyer, and that was her job, after all.

It had been a first-time offense for each of the cases, and she wasn’t about to let them do time for penny-ante stuff.

But she wasn’t quite sure where she would be able to fit three trials into her schedule.

Oh well.

She looked down at her diary, which was covered in scribbles. The scribbles might look indistinguishable for some. But she could understand every note she had written. Every note held some importance for her and the shelter project. Every note she had written would come into play at some point in the project.

There were times when Rhiannon didn’t know whether the shelter would ever work out. She had spent months planning it, networking around it, and begging for money from various private companies.

Things were finally starting to come together, and it was all because of Mars Casey.

Rhiannon gasped slightly as something in her chest fluttered. Her heart skipped a beat each time she thought about Mars.

However, considering the bottle of red wine, coffee, and Thai food she had consumed throughout the evening, it could also be heartburn.

It was when the words on a brief started swimming in front of her that Rhiannon knew it was time to turn in.

As she stood, she knocked her empty wine glass over and sent her phone skidding across the floor.

Her thoughts went to Mars right away as she looked at the device.

He had texted her right after their date to make sure that she returned home safely. She had simply replied with a thumbs up.

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