Page 93 of Tease Me

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"Mmmm, ice cream," Mel said. "I wonder if there's anywhere around here like that." She stopped and turned around in a circle, then almost toppled over to the side.

I grabbed her before she could fall, and straightened her up. "Careful there," I said.

She giggled. "Thank you, you saved my life." She gave me a tight hug.

After a moment, I hugged her back awkwardly. "I don't think you'd die if you fell on the sidewalk." She was so drunk she'd probably flop and not feel a thing.

"I might," she said. "You never know what might have happened." She let me go and stepped back. "Did we find any ice cream yet?"

"There's a store on the next block, before the hotel," I said. "I'm sure they sell ice cream."

"Awesome," Harper said a bit too loud. "Let's go find ice cream." She and Ripley charged on ahead. Mel was closed behind them.

I stayed back a bit, keeping an eye on all three of them. While herding drunk backing vocalists and tour staff wasn't part of my job description, if any of them got hurt did anything silly, I'd be the one dealing with the media when they picked up the story. It was easier to head off the problem before it became one.

We reached the next block before we heard the shouts.

"I won fair and square," Jude said.

"Bullshit," Strike slurred. "I dunno how, but you cheated your ass off." He pointed a finger roughly in the direction of Jude, but seemed to be having a hard time keeping his hand still.

Herding drunk rock stars also wasn't part of my job description, but when they walked out of the bar beside the store, I guessed it became my job. At least for tonight.

Lucky me.

"Mel!" Jude shouted so loud they might have heard him in Australia. "Strike thinks I cheated because he's a sore loser."

"You did cheat," Strike insisted.

"What did you cheat at?" Mel asked. She teetered toward him on her bare feet. When she got close enough, they slipped their arms around each other.

"Ping-pong," Jude said. "Axel whipped Cord's ass, then mine after I beat Strike. Strike wouldn't have beaten him even if he had beaten me."

Mel giggled. "Axel was always good at ping-pong."

"Because he gets so much practice playing with his balls," Strike said.

They all laughed, including Axel who stepped out of the bar behind the rest of them.

"You're such a dick," Axel told Strike.

"What I heard was, ‘you have such a big dick.’" Strike grinned.

"Dream on," Cord told him. "You wish yours was half the size of mine."

"Mine is twice the size of yours. And I can prove it." Strike put his hands on the button of his jeans.

"Maybe don't do that out in the street," I said quickly. "You don't want to get arrested for public nudity." Not to mention that wasn't something I wanted to see. Not his anyway.

Strike pouted at me. "Fine." He dropped his hands to either side. "I'll save it until we're back at the hotel. We can even take measurements if Cord isn't convinced."

Luckily he didn't suggest I do the measuring.

"Fun, ain't they?" Nate moved to walk beside me. He seemed to be the only one who wasn't drunk off his face.

I'd seen him drink before and it took a lot more to get him intoxicated than it did the other guys. The advantage to being so big, I supposed.

"Yeah, they are," I said. "Living their best lives." And there it was. That was exactly what they were all doing, including Axel.

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