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Walking in the dark for about ten minutes, I hadn’t even found the perimeter wall of the property. Fortunately, when I stumbled into it, I discovered it was designed more for aesthetics than safety, and with the help of my phone’s torch function, I managed to climb over before heading for the lights of the house. I had no way of knowing what security measures Walker had in place but hoped an estate this remote was used to splendid seclusion and wouldn’t benefit from the types of recording devices he’d employed in Noble’s house. There were no obvious cameras as I darted across the wet grass, though it was true I didn’t know that for certain. He could have devices hidden in the trees. I just had to hope he didn’t know I was coming. That for once, he would be the one watched, rather than the patient observer.

The house was a couple of hundred feet from view as I steered to the right. Most of the lights were coming from the other side of the property, so it seemed sensible to approach where there was least chance of bumping into the owner. The air was cold, visible with each breath as if it sought to remind me of the impending danger. I’d been in similar situations before but had always enjoyed the protection of the police service. This time I was on my own, gone rogue without the prospect of rescue if my plans imploded. The realization accelerated my already anxious heartbeat.

Running my fingers over the brickwork, I followed the outside of the building, listening for any signs of life. I reached what I assumed was the rear before halting. Light shone from a room no more than a couple of meters from where I stood, and back to the wall, I edged in its direction. Pulse racing, I paused beside the enormous glass-fronted exterior, peering over my shoulder to see if anyone was there.

It took a couple of moments for my eyes to register the scene unfolding, my breath hitching as I acknowledged what I was seeing. The space appeared to be a gigantic kitchen diner, an elaborate cooking area punctuated by a lengthy marble island in the middle. Turning to face the wall, I pressed myself into the brick as I stared in disbelief. Walker was sitting at the island, perched on a high stool, and there by his feet and kneeling in what looked to be a dog’s bed, was a naked woman.

Brow furrowing, I strained to recall what Noble looked like. The long dark hair of the woman in the kitchen certainly resembled the person I’d interviewed.

“What the fuck?” I whispered into the cool air.

A part of me wanted to turn and run, to flee back to the sanctuary of my car and never return. Whatever the hell was happening inside this house was none of my business. No crimes had been reported, and technically, there was nothing to investigate. It was only my gut instinct that had brought me there. I had nothing else to go on, no real evidence.

Despite the logic of that line of reasoning, I couldn’t adhere to it. Just like I couldn’t obey the commands of my superior officer when he’d told me to drop the obsession with Walker. I knew better, knew there was something wrong with him, and every fiber of me sensed he was more than just an ex-stalker with darker sexual proclivities.

“You’re up to something,” I mouthed, scrutinizing the inside of the house again.

Cutting up what looked like a plate of lasagna, he appeared to be taking a mouthful for himself before offering one to the woman on her knees. Jesus, what was happening in there? Was she not allowed to eat of her own accord? What kind of deranged individual elicited pleasure from humiliating another person that way?

“You’re guilty.” The sense of knowing grew inside as I muttered the words out loud. “I know you are. I just have to figure out what it is you’re guilty of and how to prove it.”

Leaning against the wall, I tried to think. I needed to get inside without either of them noticing me so I could take a better look around. Perhaps if I wandered to the other side of the building, I’d find a viable route while they were distracted in the kitchen. It was worth a shot. Peering back through the glass to make sure they were both occupied, I gasped at what I saw. The meal apparently over, the woman on her knees, who I presumed was Noble, had been led between Walker’s legs. Fisting the length of her hair, he appeared to be directing her mouth up and down the length of his erect penis while she held her hands in the small of her back.

I stood, hypnotized for a few protracted seconds, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. Part disgusted and part enthralled, I couldn’t seem to look away as he guided her repeatedly along his shaft. The ecstasy on his face conveyed how much he was enjoying the experience, but why on Earth would she be willing to take part? Breath accelerating, I fell back against the wall, though the image of the two of them so intimately entwined remained seared into my mind.

Why would Noble want to pleasure him that way after a meal? For that matter, why would she stay in a dog bed permitting him to feed her? She was clearly messed up, which explained why she’d followed the man who’d abducted her across the country and ultimately dropped the charges against him. I’d seen the videos Walker had taken in her home. I knew the things he’d done, how long he’d planned and the way he’d treated her, yet I’d also seen some of her reactions, and her internet browsing history had revealed she frequently visited sites that offered similar content. There was only one logical explanation for her acquiescence. She’d gone along with his perverse plans because she enjoyed them. It was as simple as that.

“Oh God.”

Shivering at the thought, I wrapped my arms around myself, wishing I’d bought my winter coat. I hadn’t envisioned a nighttime component to my plan and wasn’t prepared. Warily, I crept back to the edge of the wall and snuck one final glimpse of the show in progress. Noble’s head moved faster and faster along Walker’s penis, the speed suggesting he was close to a climax, and I might be about to lose my opportunity to exploit their distraction. Turning away, I headed along the wall the same way I’d arrived, doubling back past the front of the house to its opposite corner. I was as far away from the sex show in the kitchen as I could be, my best shot at entering the house.

Feeling my way along the wall, I used my torch for illumination. Despite the size of the house and swanky kitchen, the windows looked old and in some places rotting. Apparently, Walker hadn’t seen the investment in double glazing as especially worthwhile. That suited me though. I knew from experience that aging windows were far easier to prize open than the modern varieties.

Directing the light, I noticed another, smaller pane—a downstairs bathroom, perhaps? Heart pounding with the possibility, I moved closer, gasping as I acknowledged the next miracle. The lesser-sized window was half-open, as though it had been left to air the room inside. Scanning the size of the space, I realized I could just about squeeze through if I utilized those old gymnastic skills I’d acquired as a child.

Wrenching the pane open as far as it would go, I examined the ground around me. A helpful fallen tree was strewn nearby, one portion of its trunk offering me the leg up I needed. Acting as fast as I could, I ran and dragged the log toward the wall. Resting by the open window, I caught my breath. This little escapade was teaching me just how out of shape I’d become.

“Too long in an office job,” I muttered, shaking my head in disapproval as I stepped up on the fallen trunk.

Flashing my torch inside the room, the beam of light exposed what I’d expected—a miniature bathroom with a toilet, basin and what looked like a shower cubicle. Fortunately, there was nothing obstructing my journey to the floor, which comprised tiles that looked cold and uncompromising, but I had no other options. I was lucky to have an entry point, let alone one as sizable as the window. I was going to have to squeeze through and land, doing my best not to be heard or break anything in the process.

Sliding my phone away, I pulled myself up to the window ledge, balancing precariously as I gripped the crumbling frame and tried to settle my fraying nerves. It took every ounce of what little upper body strength I still had to hoist first one, then my second leg up to the window, maneuvering myself around so that I could drop to the floor on my feet. I winced at the loud echo my landing created, certain Walker would burst through the door and confront me, but fortunately he was busy in another part of the house, and his desire had brought me this unique chance for reconnaissance. I’d slip into the house and see what I could find. A character as nefarious as Walker was bound to have left evidence somewhere. Warrant or not, it was my job to discover it.

Chapter Thirteen


Wrapped in the red blanket he’d bought for me, I rested contentedly against his chest and listened to the soothing rhythm of his heart. There had once been a time when Kade filled me with terror, but these days, he was more tender—more like chrysanthemums, as he’d once put it. I’d never been happier.

“Thank you for dessert, little girl.” His hand, wrapped around my middle, rose over the blanket and cradled my breast.

“You’re welcome, Master.” I smiled at the memory, running my tongue over my lip. I never tired of pleasuring him with my mouth and knowing he was happy made it all the sweeter. “Thank you for the meal.”

It had been scintillating to be fed from my dog bed. Kade had helped ease the fantasy from the depths of my desire to the fore of our play together, and I didn’t know how to show my gratitude. Shame and guilt had weighted me down for so long where my passions were concerned, but after everything we’d been through, there was nothing he didn’t know about me, nothing I couldn’t share with him.

“I’ll always look after you.”

Squeezing my breast, he chuckled as I squirmed on his lap. He was stretched out on the huge leather couch in the cozy den, but ever since he’d pulled me onto his lap, my punished ass grazed over his pants. Despite my solace in his arms, there were few comfortable positions on his thighs.
