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“Problem, little girl?” His condescending tone suggested he already knew the answer.

“No, Master.” I smiled in spite of the hurt. “I’m fine.”

“Good.” Straightening, he tugged me closer. “And yes, you are fine.”

“Can you tell me more about the woman who followed you?” Twisting to meet his eyes, I whimpered as his lips brushed over mine.

“There’s not much else to tell, Tiffany,” he concluded after the caress. “I don’t want you to worry about it.”

“I’m not. It just seems odd.”

“I agree. I don’t think I’ve made any new enemies.”

“An old one then?” My brows knitted as he settled in his seat and urged me back to join him.

“I told you not to worry.”

His voice had taken that steely edge, a caution for me to drop the agenda, but it wasn’t as simple as that. Kade wasn’t the sort of man who’d invent being followed. If he thought the woman had tailed him, then I believed him and I wanted to know why.

“I’m only curious,” I countered, conscious of his expression. Disregarding the ache in my ass, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Do you think it’s someone who knows about your past, Master?”

“My past?” He sounded skeptical.

“Yes, Master.” My pulse quickened as his eyebrow arched. “You know—Hyde Park and what happened there.”

“No one else knows.” He spoke with absolute conviction. “You are the only living soul who does, and I know you haven’t hired a private detective, little girl. I’ve been watching you closely.”

Chuckling at his quip, my gaze lowered to his chest. “Yes, I suppose you’re right, but—”

“Honestly,” he interrupted. “It’s nothing.” His palms rose to my face, cradling me. “And if it turns out to be something, I’ll deal with it.”

“I know.” I had no doubt. Kade was good at covering his tracks. Rather too good…

“Good.” Leaning closer, he planted a kiss on my nose. “Now rest, little girl. You’ve had a long day.” Tugging me back with him, he pulled me closer, and I landed in his arms. Stretching my hand over his toned abs, I released the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Kade was right. He would deal with things. I didn’t need to worry.



Waiting until she dozed off, I listened to the sound of her contented breathing before I rose, leaving her tucked up in her blanket on the couch. I accepted now that my little girl was working again, she’d be more tired than before and for the first time in my life, I was happy to support someone else’s decision. That meant chauffeuring her around and cooking her meals—responsibilities I was happy to take on. It also meant spanking her delicious little ass when she stepped over the line. Whichever way I looked at the life we’d created together, I was one hell of a lucky man.

Grinning at the prospect, I crossed the hall to my office. The place needed to be tidied after our impromptu session and as I stepped inside, the scent of sex taunted my nostrils.


Shaking my head, I collected the papers that had fallen from my desk and rearranged them. If this evening was a good example of what nights would be like, I was going to be one very satisfied master. I could still imagine her there, bent over my desk as she took the paddling. Reaching for the implement, the recollection swelled my only recently satiated dick.

“Not know,” I ordered, though the organ willfully disobeyed, hardening as I turned to survey the ropes still hanging from my door. “Maybe I’ll leave those,” I mused, collecting the crop where it had been abandoned. “They could prove to be useful.”

Smirking at the idea, I placed the items on the edge of my mahogany bookcase before slumping into my chair. My gaze shifted to the multiple screens I had perched around my desk, surveying the various scenes around the property. Since Tiffany had come to be back in my care, I’d disabled all external surveillance beyond Barrington and redirected the feeds to my own closed-circuit cameras. As I sat there, approximately ten separate devices recorded scenes around Barrington, from the trees at the perimeter of the property, to the entire exterior of the house. Naturally, I didn’t expect the cameras to detect any abnormalities, the recordings were more of a safety blanket for a man as paranoid as me, but I checked them every day regardless, conscious that one day they might prove to be useful.

Scanning through the last few hours of footage, I leaned back in my chair, allowing my thoughts to return to Tiffany. My gaze was on the screen, but my head was well and truly lost in the fireworks of our passion. Her lips had been so divine wrapped around my cock when she’d been bound to my door, and her cute little pet act in the kitchen had guaranteed that another dose was required before we adjourned to the lounge. I’d been so—

My happy memories were splintered as something peculiar caught my eyes on the screen. Heart racing, I leaned forward, instructing the recording to rewind and play the footage again. The air around me chilled as I watched more closely this time, my heart stopping altogether when I spotted the cause of my concern.

Someone was on my property!

Perched on a high branch of one of the trees, the camera angle wasn’t great, but it was good enough to confirm my worst suspicions. There, walking from one side of the screen to the other was a stranger. Hands clenched into fists, I slammed my knuckles against the desk, barely acknowledging the pain. It was difficult to tell whether the uninvited guest was male or female, but based on their height, I had a hunch it might be a woman.
