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“You have no right to be break into my house,” I repeated.

“I didn’t damage your property,” she hissed, as though that was somehow a justification for her behavior.

“Look, Detective.” Placing the taser on the floor by the door, Tiffany’s hands rose to her hips. “If you’ve spoken to Rex, you’ll know that I’m happy and safe. Why would you come here and break the law to prove it?”

“Instinct.” Lucas’s back straightened.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I wanted to roll my eyes at her bullshit. She had the audacity to violate my rights, then wanted to harp on about her gut feelings? Give me a break.

“I know there’s something off about all of this.” She gestured around the room as best she could without the use of her hands before fixing her stare on me. “Something off about you.”

“Is that right?” I drawled, amused by her ‘experienced cop’ routine. As it turned out, her instincts were spot on, but if Lucas thought creeping into my house and trying to lure my lover away was the answer, she had another think coming.

“Yes.” Her brown eyes narrowed. “Any man who pulls off the kind of stunt you enjoyed at Tiffany’s house is far from a novice. You’ve been involved in criminality before…” Hesitating, her gaze ran up and down my body. “Haven’t you?”

“Well, isn’t she cute?” I mocked, ignoring the writhing detective and focusing on my little girl.

“Master,” Tiffany warned. “Be careful. She’s a cop and could have a wire.”

“Tape recordings are rarely admissible in court, little girl.” I chuckled as I held my new captive steady. “You of all people should be aware of that.”

“Thank you for the tip, Master.” Laughing, she secured the blanket around her body like a sarong. “I’m just saying, be careful.”

“So, you do have something to hide?” Twisting in my grip, the cop’s gaze darted between Tiffany and me.

“Oh, I have plenty of things to hide,” I snarled, tightening my grasp on her wrists as I yanked her closer to my body. “And now you’ve climbed into my domain, Detective, you’re about to discover all sorts of secrets.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Master.” My pulse accelerated as I locked gazes with the man who’d become my world. “What are you doing?”

I’d seen that dark glint in Kade’s eyes before and it had rarely produced anything positive for those involved. Despite all that he’d put me through, I was well aware that I was the only one who’d lived to tell the tale. Everyone else who’d witnessed that sinister gleam had been dumped God only knew where.

“What I do, little girl.” His brow rose as Lucas struggled to break free of his grip. I had news for her. I knew from painful experience that however hard she tried, Kade’s grip was like a vice. “I’m taking control.”

“What does that mean?” Anxiety was rising in my belly like the early waves of an impending storm.

“Tiffany.” Lucas’ eyes widened in desperation. “Help me! You know I’ve only got your interests at heart.”


I couldn’t acknowledge her plea, couldn’t take on board the logic of what she was saying. I knew deep down that Lucas and the other police only wanted to do the right thing, to put the proverbial bad guys away. Christ, I’d built an entire career around the same premise, but the problem was I’d fallen in love with one of those bad guys, and now my loyalty was torn. Did I side with the righteous—the cause I’d spent my life defending and promoting? Or did I lean into the new enthralling part of me—the aspect that Kade had stirred and developed? A woman could go mad trying to figure it out.

“Master, please.” Running to his side, I touched his shoulder. “Think about whatever you’re going to do next.”

Silver eyes met mine, and the excitement shimmering there confirmed what I already feared—Kade had a plan in mind, and it didn’t bode well for Lucas.

“Go to my drawer in the coffee table.” He signaled to the table as if I didn’t know where it was. “Get my ropes, little girl.”

“Master.” Damn it, he wasn’t listening to me! The room around me blurred, time stretching out until each passing second was reminiscent of a looming car crash. Every breath felt like we were accelerating into the collision that would kill us. “Don’t do this.”

“Little girl.” His voice deepened to the tone I knew better than to push, but it didn’t overrule my protests. “Do as you’re told.”

“Yeah, Tiffany,” Lucas sneered, her voice sardonic as she pulled against Kade’s hands. “Be a good girl and do as you’re told, why don’t you?”

