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The word slipped from me as I assessed my increasingly hopeless predicament. Whatever I did, whoever I complied with, it made no difference. There would be huge ramifications from whatever happened next, and I was powerless to prevent them.


I jolted at his chastising tone, my heart racing as I sprang into action.

“Sorry,” I panted, dashing to the coffee table and opening Kade’s drawer.

He liked to keep a selection of his favorite toys in there—things he could use to bind and torment me at will. Spotting the lengths of rope, I grabbed them, tension clawing at my insides as I presented them to my master.

“I’m going to hold our guest, and you’re going to bind her.” Kade’s gaze was unyielding as he explained my instructions.

“No!” Lucas cried, the intensity of her fight increasing as he spelled out her fate. Slamming her feet into the ground, she attempted to wiggle free, unaware that her endeavors were futile.

“Master!” I implored him. “Don’t do this!”

Taking Lucas hostage wouldn’t help our situation. The last thing we needed was a police officer in captivity—we’d only just reached an equilibrium between us.

“We’ll talk about thisin private.” Gritting his teeth, he gestured to the ropes in my hands. “Now move!”

“Okay.” Nausea rose in my stomach as I moved forward, dodging Lucas’ flailing body. “How do I do this, Master?” Meeting his gaze, I sensed the determination in them, and fool that I was, those gray orbs anchored me.

“It’s all right,” he soothed, maneuvering Lucas away from me and presenting her wrists as best he could. “I’ll guide you. Slip one length up and around her wrists.”

Heart pounding, I nodded as I moved into position. My hands trembled as I wound the rope around her pale skin, every fiber of my body telling me to refuse. I didn’t want to do this, didn’t want to be part of whatever this was—but I was no idiot. What other options did we have? We could hardly just let the good detective go, especially in light of the inferences Kade had bandied. Then there was the issue of her misdemeanors. Lucas had thought it appropriate to gain entry to Barrington without permission and snuck around in the dark while armed with a taser. That was bound to be badly received by anyone—let alone my master. She probably had no idea how deep she was stuck in the mire.

“And wind it around again,” he encouraged, lifting one hand to restrain Lucas at the shoulder as I worked. “Good.”

“Get off me!” The Detective was getting hysterical, a condition I could well empathize with. “Get your hands off me.”

“Keep going,” Kade went on, disregarding her entreaties. “And push the end back through the middle.”

I did as he ordered, functioning on some odd type of autopilot until he gave the word.

“Okay, move aside.” He moved with lightning speed, just as I released the rope, grabbing the strands and pulling them tight before securing them.

“You bastard!” Lucas yelled, anger resounding in her voice. “I told you to. Get. Off. Me!”

Lifting her heel, she brought it crashing back into Kade’s shin, knocking him off balance as he finalized the knots. He stumbled back, my heart somersaulting as I rushed to see if he was all right.

“Master?” I gasped. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” he answered through gritted teeth as his gaze followed Lucas’ attempted escape.

Sadly for her, the rope had already done its job, and even though she dashed away, the door was closed, and she had no hands to rectify the situation. Turning, her eyes flitted around the room, looking for another way out.

“Bitch!” Kade hissed, rubbing his leg. “You’ll pay for that.”

“How could you do this?” Lucas’s attention focused on me, her eyes wide as Kade approached. “How could you help him?”

“It’s okay,” I reassured, moving between the two of them. “He’s not going to hurt you. We just want to talk.”

Two sets of eyes bored into me, both rejecting the vow.

“Try anything like that again, and you and me are going to have a problem.” He growled the words at Lucas, who met his gaze with obvious defiance.

“You don’t frighten me.” Rounding her shoulders, she stared him down. “You might have one woman under your spell, but I can see you for what you are, Walker. You can’t control me.”

“Wrong,” Kade smirked, his focus darting to me for an instant. “I already have the woman I want. You, Detective, are nothing but an inconvenience.”
