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Chapter Seventeen


Standing there, my heart palpitating and my hands bound, it was easy to see what a miscalculation I’d made. I’d thought I could slip in and out of Barrington House undisturbed, but my mistake should have been obvious. As soon as I’d decided to make contact with Noble, I’d changed the rules and got sloppy. Now, I had Walker and his damn ropes to take into consideration. I’d handed him all the leverage.

“You don’t frighten me.” Glaring at the architect of my current misfortune, I scowled, falling back on the one attribute I had in abundance—anger. I was furious with him for twisting the truth and controlling Noble, outraged with her for being so easily manipulated, and—if truth be told—fuming at myself for not having anticipated the outcome. “You might have one woman under your spell, but I can see you for what you are, Walker. You can’t control me.”

“Wrong,” Kade smirked, an insidious expression that I was willing to wager other victims had seen before me. Noble wasn’t the first and trussed up in his house I’d never been more certain of it. “I already have the woman I want.” He signaled to Noble. “You, Detective, are nothing but an inconvenience.”

“I’m a bit more than that,” I spat back. “I’m a well-respected detective, and when I don’t turn in for duty, I have colleagues who’ll follow my well-prepared trail right back here to you, Walker.” Little of that was true, of course, but he and his confused lover had no way of knowing. The last time either of them had seen me, I was on duty, and Noble still worked for the C.P.S. She knew how bad binding me and refusing to let me leave would look for Walker if this went to trial.

“She’s right, Master.” Noble stared at him with desperate eyes. “They’ll come right to Barrington House if we’re not careful.”

“I don’t believe her.” Brow rising, he swaggered toward me.

“Wh-What do you mean?” Noble spluttered, watching his advance. “I’m telling you, Master, she’s definitely a cop and—”

“I know she’s a cop,” he went on, effectively cutting her off. “But it’s like you said, little girl, if she was on duty, she’d have a warrant and police support. Lucas has none of those things though.” Edging closer, he eyes me with suspicion. “She’s bluffing.”

“Bluffing?” I balked, irate that he’d managed to read me so well. I was so used to dealing with the types of morons the uniformed officers brought into the station, I’d clearly forgotten that some criminals were smarter than the average offender. Unluckily for me, Walker appeared to be one of them.

“You don’t think I’ve covered my bases?” Shit, why hadn’t I covered my bases? Even the private network on my phone would make it difficult for Baron to follow me. “Don’t think I’ve left a trail that will lead them right here?”

“I can’t say for sure,” he admitted. Inching closer, a dark gleam shone in his eyes. “But my gut says no.”

The ball of nervous energy in my belly tightened at his arrogant tone.

“I can’t say why you’d have been stupid enough to come here alone, but I think you have.”

“You’re wrong,” I insisted, but even as I yelled, I sensed the color in my cheeks—the telltale sign that would convey my duplicity.

“I guess we’ll see.” His irritatingly smug expression never faltered. “If you’re right, this place should be swarming with cops by tomorrow.”

“Master,” Noble gasped, reaching for his arm. “If they arrive, how do we explain keeping her captive?”

“It’s okay, Tiffany.” He glanced her way before shaking her free from his wrist. “If they arrive, I’ll simply explain that this woman broke into my house, and I’m considering pressing charges.”

“They’ll expect you to call 999,” I interrupted, conscious of the dread crawling up the length of my body. I should know better than this, should know not to panic and go anywhere alone, but I’d been so hellbent on bringing Walker down, I hadn’t paid attention to the details.

“I tried,” he replied in the most patronizing tone. “But the phone lines here are notoriously bad, and I couldn’t call out. Isn’t that right, little girl?”

His focus fell on Noble, whose face drained of color.

“Master.” Gaze lowering, she backed away. “Don’t do this.”

“I’m notdoinganything.” Evidently, he didn’t enjoy being countered. “Except defending my property by containing the assailant who broke in.”

“Now, hang on!” No one had ever called me an assailant in my life, and I wasn’t about to start taking crap like that from someone like him! “I’ve done nothing wrong except do my job.”

“We’re going to have to find a gag for her.” Walker’s lips curled as he addressed the woman who had somehow fallen for his sickening charade. “And we both know where they’re housed.”

“Oh God.” Shaking her head, Noble looked close to tears.

“Stop worrying.” He chuckled as he moved in her direction. “I won’t do anything to hurt her.”

“It’s just that when you start saying things like that…” Panting, she didn’t seem able to finish her sentence.

“Look.” Walker’s palms rose into the air in a vain attempt at innocence. “Why don’t you go and get her some water from the kitchen? We’ll all sit down and talk. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Detective?”
