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“Then why the interest, D. S. Lucas?” Baron folded his arms across his chest. “Do we not have enough new cases for you to work on?”

“Yes, sir.”

We had new cases growing by the moment. Crime around the capital had never been so under the political spotlight, and the new Home Secretary had made it his mission to beat the drum louder than most.Tough on crime. Tough on the causes of crime.I’d seen the propaganda in the papers. The problem was, the minister wasn’t prepared to back up his fiery agenda with cold, hard cash, and without more officers, we were never going to meet the new government targets.

“So?” He sounded weary as he removed his spectacles and rubbed his temple. “What am I missing?”

“Nothing, sir.” I swallowed, rueful to have caused Baron more stress. He’d always been a decent boss, and I hadn’t intended to rile him. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I’ve taken my eye off the ball where my case load is concerned. I won’t let it happen again.”

“I appreciate the apology, but I’m not sure it’s enough, Carol.”

Enough?My pulse raced faster. What did that mean?

“I need all of my Detective Sergeant’s working at one hundred per cent.” He leaned closer, pressing his elbows into his desk. “Perhaps you need to take a few days? I notice you have three weeks annual leave owed to you.”

“A few days?” Was he suspending me? “Am I in trouble, sir?”

“No.” He shook his hand dismissively. “No, you’re not, Carol. I’m just suggesting that some time away might help to clear your head and ensure that when you return to work, you’re fully prepared and focused on yourcurrentcases.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say.

“What do you think?”

What did I think?

“Okay.” Maybe he was right? Perhaps what I needed was a chance to take a breath and get some perspective. “I can take a few days, sir.”

“Good.” He smiled, the first time since I’d sat down. “Let’s say a week, shall we?” Signaling to the screen, he went on. “I’ve already approved the time.”

“A week?” I couldn’t recall the last time I’d taken so much time away from work.

“Yes,” he encouraged. “You could go away, visit some family or friends.”

I hated to tell him but working as hard as I did meant there weren’t too many family or friends left to visit.

“Sounds good.” I feigned a grin, though I suspected he could see right through it.

“Excellent,” he replied. “We’ll see you back on Monday the 20th.”

Wow, Baron really did have this all planned.

“Yes, sir.” I nodded, preparing to stand and leave, but his tone stopped me in my tracks.

“Oh, and D.S. Lucas?”

“Sir?” Peering back over my shoulder, I met his green eyes.

“Make sure this little holiday is effective.” His expression was somber. “When you come back, I need you firing on all cylinders. No more wasting time on old cases and no more wasting police resources searching for possible connections to Kade Walker.”

“Sir.” I sensed the color drain from my face. So, he knew about all the hours I’d spent scanning files and following up potential leads? “I wouldn’t say wasting resources, I was only—”

“Carol.” His clipped tone interrupted my explanation. “I like you and want to see you thrive, but let’s be clear. This is a chance for a fresh start. I don’t want to hear Walker’s name again unless he has new charges brought against him.”

“Yes, sir.” I’d been around the block enough times to know not to push my superior officer when they took that tone.

“You understand?” His brows knitted as he waited for my answer.

“Yes, sir.” I was starting to sound like a broken record. “Message received and understood.”
