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“Get down, whore.” The weight of his palm pushed me toward the carpet as his other hand slapped my vulnerable ass. “I’m going to screw you into the floor where you deserve to be.”

No idea had ever sounded better as I pressed my chest into the pile and splayed my legs. His hand tangled in my tresses as he lowered over me, his cock slamming into me until I cried out.

“Yes,” he decided through gritted teeth. “This is definitely what you deserve.”

Whimpering, I watched the strain in the sinews of his arm as he pounded me, his body stilling as he pumped cum inside my pussy.

“Fuck.” Collapsing over me, he blew out a satisfied breath as he rolled me into his embrace. “That was phenomenal, little girl. Just imagine how magnificent your submission will be once we have a team of help around the house.”

“Yes, Master.”

Cozying into his chest, I ran my fingers through his soft hair. I wanted to tell him how the thought of being watched made me feel, but realized the admission was futile. Kade already knew. That was the point. I would take what I was given, not only because it drove me wild with lust, but because I was head over heels in love with the man delivering it.

Kissing the top of my head, he purred into my ear. “We are going to have so many adventures.”

I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Chapter Three

D.S. Lucas

Tiffany Noble. I couldn’t let the idea of her go. It always concerned me when victims of crime returned to perpetrators, but something about her gnawed more than most. Tiffany wasn’t like the average coerced woman we saw in the police service. Her story was different. An independent professional in her own right, Tiffany worked on the right side of the law, and based on the things I’d garnered from Everly, was good at her job. Why would she have left the role to pursue a so-called relationship with her abductor, but then, why would she have run away with him at all?

Stockholm Syndrome was a recognized condition after the type of trauma she’d endured, but still, her choices nagged. It was wrong to judge, but the fact that a well-educated and affluent woman like her could be swept away by such a sordid man felt like a betrayal. She should have known better, and however I looked at the details of the case, I couldn’t get past it.

I’d spent the last few weeks burying myself in its detail, studying her statements over and over, before turning my focus to Walker. A man like that was bound to have a proven track record. Ensconcing himself in Noble’s house was an audacious act. It wouldn’t have been his first offense, especially given his sexual proclivities, so I dedicated all my spare time to reviewing old cases. Stalkers, sexual predators—anything that involved a solo male culprit intimidating women. Naturally, our system was full of cases that fit the bill. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but however I rationalized it, I couldn’t give up. My instincts told me something was wrong, something was different about this guy. The quest to expose him had become something of an obsession.

“Is there a problem, Carol?”

Detective Chief Inspector Baron’s question splintered my internal monologue, his pointed question suggesting that we both already knew the answer.

“No, sir,” I answered, pulling in a deep breath as he peered at me from over his computer screen.

Unable to hold his stare, I glanced absently around his office. I was a damn good cop and had never found myself hauled in front of my superior before, but dedicating every spare moment to Noble’s poor judgment hadn’t gone unnoticed. My case files were mounting, and my results were starting to slide.

“Something in your personal life that I should know about?”

“No, sir.” I sighed, fidgeting in my seat.

“What then?” Straightening, he opened my file and browsed through my commendations. “You’re an excellent officer. Promoted faster than most of your peers, but lately, your head hasn’t been in the game.”

Crap. Was I that transparent?

“Sir…” I paused, struggling to find the right words. How could I tell him that I was resolved to deciphering Walker? There wasn’t even an active case to follow. Noble had dropped all charges against him, and even with his hours of sickening video reels, the C.P.S didn’t have enough to take to court.

“It’s about the Walker-Noble case.”

Baron’s brow furrowed. “Which case?”

“The abduction that started in the victim’s house,” I clarified. “I handled it earlier this year.”

“Oh.” He closed my file. “What about it?”

“I think there are more lines of inquiry to follow up.”

“Really?” His tone was skeptical. “Has something new happened that I’m not aware of?” Evidently not, since it was D.C.I. Baron’s business to know about cases in the area.

“No, sir.” Heat flamed in my cheeks as I was forced to admit the answer.
