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“You can try all you want!”

Her words hung in the air after she left. If only she knew what I planned for her. She infuriated me to no end for several reasons that were beyond her comprehension. I don’t know why I have no control over emotions when it comes to Ashley.

Somehow, I wanted to blame her for manipulating my emotions. But I knew the blame wasn’t solely hers. I was attracted to this fiery woman no doubt, but she also enraged me immensely. I wonder if I am blaming her things that clearly weren’t her fault.

“I don’t remember doing the same either, Ian Maxwell.”

Her sultry voice, the way my name had sounded, and the way her blue eyes compelled me with emotions that were beyond my power. I despised the way in which women trap men. Using their charms and youthful vibrancy to achieve their aims, and Ashley did just that. Her being so young was another reason why I felt this way about her. It seems like I have no control over my own emotions anymore.

I’ve done well for myself these past years by steering clear of women and anything to do with them, and it was my plan to continue this way for the rest of my life.

This great plan of mine didn’t look possible anymore, and that filled me with a fear of unknown, the fear that transformed directly into rage.

“Why do you look so out of it? And who was that firecracker that just walked out of here?”

I heard Ryan’s smooth voice before I saw him standing right in front of me. When did he get here? And how come I was still standing this way? I ran a hand through my hair, walking towards one of the couches and sat on it. Ryan sat not too far away from me with his grey eyes on me.

“Let me guess, that firecracker is the crazy woman you spoke about, right?” Ryan asked, sounding absolutely thrilled. “She is a beauty, no wonder she has you twisted up in knots.”

I sent him a glare, daring him to say one more word about Ashley, but knowing Ryan, he was going to say more. “Not exactly a beauty, I’d say.”

“Even your mouth knows you’re lying.” Ryan chuckled, stretching his long legs out. “So tell me, what was your firecracker doing here on a weekend?”

My firecracker.As annoying as it sounded to me, I kind of liked it. “I called her to work.”

“You called her to work? Why did you call her to work on a weekend?” Ryan asked, looking as confused as I felt.

I couldn’t even pinpoint the exact reason I had called her to the office and didn’t even know how to justify it at the moment. All I knew is that I had been filled with so much anger when I saw her in front of Maschil, hugging some man who looked oddly familiar. She looked so beautiful in that blue dress that reflected those beautiful blue eyes of hers. Why would she be going on a date when the company…

I stopped my train of thought, knowing well that the company had absolutely nothing to do with this. I had wanted to take her away from that man’s presence regardless of whether he was her boyfriend or something else.

“Cats got your tongue!” Ryan said, waving a hand in front of my face. “And it looks like someone's got more than your tongue.”

“She’s crazy, Ryan, and she infuriates the hell out of me,” I explained, placing a hand under my chin in thought.

Ryan seemed to find my situation amusing. He chuckled, His eyes glinting with excitement. “Why, Ian? Is it because she makes you feel like doing things you already swore off?”

My eyes narrowed as my face grew quizzical. I wanted to ask Ryan how he could tell just what was going on with this lady in my head, and I didn’t want to admit he was right.

“ What do you mean by that? What do you think she is making me feel?” I asked instead of providing an answer to his dumb question.

Ryan raised a brow, his upper lip slightly raised in a smirk. “Seeing how defensive you are, then I must be right!”

“All she is capable of making me feel is anger, and you are well aware of this fact.” I stated.

“No, I’m not,” Ryan denied immediately. “It’s not the first time a woman behaved annoyingly , but you always ignore it and most times you have no recollection of such women. When did you grow the ability to conjure up emotions like anger towards a woman? It’s obvious this anger of yours stems from a much deeper feeling you’re not ready to accept.”

I gave a dry chuckle, clasping my hands together above my knees. Ryan McMahon never ceases to amaze me with his words,actions and thinking. “Must be nice to act all knowing. State your business and get out of my office.”

Ryan laughed, throwing his head back a little. “You always do this whenever I hit the nail right on the head.” He scoffed, then crossed his legs. “Well, I was just here to let you know that the team picked the UNIQUE theme submitted by Ashley Lane for the London project. They believe it will be the best option, and it would give us a bigger advantage at winning all potential investors over.”

I grunted, wishing they had chosen any other theme but Ashley’s. I couldn’t deny the fact that her idea was great and that she was a great employee but having her project at the forefront makes things tougher for me. Or maybe not. Her idea getting picked means she gets to go on that trip to London with me. I might be able to torture her a bit, or maybe it would be the other way around. She would torture me knowing how much I’m attracted to her.

“What’s with the disgruntled look?” Ryan asked, sounding skeptical. “Don’t you like it? You also said it was the best.”

“The firecracker is Ashley Lane”I thought to myself, wishing I wasn’t so displeased by having such an amazing employee.

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