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“What are you trying to hide?” I said standing on my toes trying to take a peek behind him.

“Oh... Just hurry up.” I bet he was trying to find what to wear to work today. His room was a mess actually.

“I’ll be ready in a minute.” he said as he hurried to get ready.

We arrived at the office building and this time the door was very busy, everyone rushing in and out as if it was a highway express.

“Today is the presentation day. I hope everything goes well.”I told myself trying to stay calm.

We both walked up the pathway to the door and Joe opened the door for us. I immediately waved Justin goodbye before he could even say anything and rushed up the stairs to find my office to prepare for the presentation. It's a big day for me.

Just as I was about to settle down, the door burst open, making me throw the documents I had all over the place.

“June! Oh my God, you scared me. What's up?” I inquired as I bent to rearrange the documents I had just dispersed by my desk.

On getting up, I see June's face with an expression I couldn’t read. Was it a shock? Or fear? Or amazement?

“Hey, you okay?” I asked again.

“The presentation has been moved,” she said with an expression I could now decipher. It was utter shock.“What did that bastard do this time?”I thought to myself.

“Moved? To when?” I asked with my eyes so wide that the strain started to kick in. My breath has already started getting rougher. My hands were gripping tight and my teeth grinding already.

“In two hours.” She said as she finally let go the door handle, walked over to my desk and rested on her right hand with her left on her forehead.

“Holy... What? In two hours?” My breathing could now be heard.

I immediately recollected my demeanor and tried calming my head.

“Call Steve, we have to start reviewing and revising,” I immediately spoke.

“Okay,” she said and turned for the door.

I found my seat, helped myself and let out a long sigh.

Two hours passed and we were now in the presentation room with the board of directors.

I could see him, Moody, sitting at the long end of the desk. His tablet on the table, his expensive suit commanded an aura of respect. His green eyes fixated at me with a contemptuous look on that symmetrical face of his.

My heart skipped a beat, no, probably more than one beat. I could tell that he would enjoy making mockery of me today if I messed this up.

He immediately took off his gaze towards his Hublot watch, which complemented his black suit, also matching with his jet-black hair.

I took my gaze off him and it landed on Ryan who was smiling at me.“Why is he smiling?"I asked myself.

The room was spacious and warm. All the directors seemed to have settled down, either holding a pen to their chin or taking a glance at their phone.

“So are we going to wait for you to get ready or what?” Ian said with utter disdain.

His eyes were still dangerously looking at me and I was terrified.

“Come on? Get on with it.” he said again, calling back my attention from the beyond.

“How can such a good-looking guy be so unlikeable?”I said to myself before scurrying over to the large white board in front of the long table.

Turning to my left, my colleagues still stood there like statues. It's no surprise since this is their first time ever or them to be infront of the board of directors. I signaled them to come over and they immediately follow.

“Good morning, everyone,” I greeted with a smile to cover up my nervousness.

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