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“I’ve arranged a tour and lunch with pairings of our best wines. Bracci Vineyards and Winery employs a world-class chef, and he’s promised to amaze us with his cuisine.”

“That sounds wonderful, but what about Marc?”

“My winemaker has several children near Marc’s age who are eager to meet him. I assure you he will not be bored.”

“Sounds like you have it all figured out.”

Christian smiled at her, wishing that was true. His heart and mind were on the same page. He wanted to marry Noelle and make Marc his legitimate son, but instinct told him what might happen for appearance’s sake wouldn’t bring him the fulfillment he craved. There were those in-between moments when she didn’t notice his attention, her smile faded and the sparkle left her eyes. She was putting on a good show for both Marc and him, but Christian sensed she had doubts.

After breakfast Christian spent an hour throwing a ball with Marc in the outer courtyard while Noelle looked on. The boy was crazy about American baseball and had brought a ball and his mitt with him. Christian didn’t spend a lot of time in the US, but had several business colleagues he spoke to regularly who had introduced him to the sport. Given his son’s fascination with the game, Christian decided he’d better get up to speed quickly.

On the five-mile drive to the winery, Marc rattled on about fastballs and curveballs from the backseat of the blue convertible Maserati Christian kept at the castle. Since the autumn day was sunny and mild, he drove with the top down, his attention split between the empty country road and Noelle’s flawless profile as she lifted her face to the sun.

“What a glorious day,” she said, stretching her arm across the seat to rake her nails through his hair. “Did you plan this, too?”

Something about her tone made him think she was mocking him. “I ordered it specially for you.” He dropped a kiss in her palm. “I only want the best for you.”

She withdrew her hand and made a fist as if to capture his kiss. “It’s nice to hear.”

“You don’t believe me.” It wasn’t a question, but an accusation.

From the backseat, Marc interjected his own question. “When we get there, will I get to stomp grapes?”

Christian’s mood brightened at yet another chance to curry favor with his son. “Sure.” Although the grape harvest wasn’t set to happen for another week, there would likely be a way to pick a few grapes and let Marc and the other kids participate in the ritual.

“No.” Noelle shook her head, adamantly opposed.

“Mama, please.”

“I think your mother is worried that it will stain your feet purple.”

“Will it? That’s great.”

He shot Noelle a triumphant look, not the least bit daunted by her scowl. Christian intended to do whatever it took to win his son’s love. Even if it meant siding with him against his mother from time to time.”

“Christian, I don’t think that’s a great idea.”

“It’ll be fun. Something he can show off at school and make the other kids jealous.”

“Wine-colored feet?” She shook her head in a maternal show of disgust. “Okay, you can stomp grapes.”

While Marc whooped in the backseat, Christian reached over and squeezed Noelle’s hand in thanks. Her lips softened into a smile at the gesture, and she put her hand atop his.

The car rolled down a long driveway flanked by fields of grapevines and came to rest near the low building that housed the tasting room and an intimate space available for private parties and lunches such as the one Christian had planned today with Noelle.

Almost before Christian turned off the engine, Marc had unbuckled his seat belt and was keyed for the instant his mother opened the passenger door and tipped her seat forward. He wiggled through the door and was off across the lawn in a flash, heading for the tasting-room door. Noelle called after him, but Marc was too excited to slow down. By the time she and Christian reached the building, Marc had disappeared inside.

“I love his enthusiasm,” Christian commented as he held the door open for Noelle. “Everything is an adventure. You’ve done a good job raising him.”

“Thank you, but the job’s not over yet.” She paused in the doorway and touched Christian’s arm. “I know I haven’t done much to improve your relationship with Marc, but I want you to know that watching you with him this weekend has made me realize how important it is that you two bond.” She paused. “No matter what happens between us, I want you and Marc to have as much time together as possible.”

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