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“Can you be in New York next week? Jim would like to meet with you and discuss details.”

Next week? Noelle worried her lower lip as she went to check her schedule. “How many days would I need to be there?”

Victor hesitated before answering. “At least three. Besides Jim, I want to set up meetings with buyers from the top bridal shops and media interviews. You should start planning for New York Fashion Week in February. You’ll need a terrific venue. I know someone who can help with that.”

“Three days...” Noelle’s mind worked furiously.

Perhaps she and Christian should postpone the announcement of their engagement until after her New York trip. With a start she realized there was no question in her mind that she intended to embark on this business venture. Was splitting her attention between Sherdana and New York a wise move at the beginning of her marriage? On the other hand, did Christian plan to stop all business travel? Not likely.

“Let me know as soon as possible when you’ll be flying in,” Victor continued.

“I’ll make all my arrangements and be in touch later today.”

First of all, she needed to tell Christian what had just happened. But as she scrolled through her contacts for his number, she faltered. How would he view her decision to jump into a major business venture without talking to him about it first? He should be happy for her. But would he question her priorities? Her commitment to this marriage?

Or was she the one questioning her commitment?

Noelle sank into her office chair and stared out the window overlooking the alley behind her salon. In two hours she would be announcing her intention to marry Christian. She spun the ring on her finger. Once word got out, she’d better be ready to go forward. Not only would a broken engagement create a scandal the country didn’t need, but her actions would confuse Marc and set a bad example for him.

Conflict churned Noelle’s insides. Christian deserved to be a full-time father to Marc, and that would be better accomplished if Noelle honored her engagement and married Christian. Marc benefited. Christian benefited. The country benefited. Three wins. Noelle didn’t have to feel guilty about focusing on her business instead of playing the part of dutiful wife. Christian was getting the heir he wanted.

Despite arriving at a reasonable conclusion, Noelle wasn’t convinced Christian would agree. She keyed his number and heard the call going through.

“Noelle.” He purred in her ear. “I was just thinking about you.”

Her toes curled in her pink, superfine Louboutin stilettos. With his warm brandy voice flowing from the phone’s speaker, she was hard-pressed to summon all her earlier doubts. Of course, she wanted to marry Christian. No other man could make her come alive just by breathing her name.

“I’ve been thinking about you, as well.” Was that her coming across all sexy and mysterious? She curved her body sideways in the chair, any trace of the capable businesswoman lost beneath a rush of feminine pleasure at hearing her lover’s voice.

“I’m heading into a conference call in a moment. Is everything okay with Marc?”

Suddenly Noelle couldn’t find the words to share her confusion and doubts. “He’s better. Turns out it wasn’t the flu but an entire bag of cookies that caused his stomachache. I just wondered if you wanted to have dinner at my house tonight.”

“Absolutely. If you think Marc will be well enough, we can tell him about our engagement.”

“That’s what I planned. The sooner the better.” And she would also tell him about her new venture. Together they would figure out the best way forward.

“I have back-to-back meetings between now and when I’m supposed to pick you up for our meeting with my family, and I don’t want to be late so I’ve arranged for a car to take you to the palace.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ve made my own way to the palace a dozen times. I’ll be fine.”

“It’s what I want. You are no longer visiting as a designer or a guest.”

Hearing his determination, Noelle conceded. “Very well. Just don’t leave me facing your family alone.”

“Never fear.” Rich amusement filled his tone. “I’ll see you at three.”

Noelle disconnected the call and sat with the phone in her lap, preparing herself to do the right thing for all concerned.

* * *

Christian stared at the slow-moving traffic ahead of him, about to break the promise he’d made to Noelle two hours earlier. He had ten minutes to get to the palace and fifteen minutes of driving ahead of him. He should have anticipated that his meeting with Gaston would run late. The man was a savvy politician in the perfect position to block Christian from securing land he needed outside Carone to develop his next project. The negotiations had been difficult.
